LILLY PULITZER GIVEAWAY to start the New Year Off Right!

Happy Sunday Everyone! To start off the New Year celebration properly, I am excited to announce my first LILLY PULITZER GIVEAWAY! Yeah! All four items in the photo above are included - a pink Frisbee with designs of seashells and sand dollars, a set of Playing Cards with pink case, a braided rope bracelet with Lilly Pulitzer gold logo hanging charm, and last but not least a pink credit card case.

So - now for the important stuff - you can enter to win the giveaway three ways:

1) Become a follower of this blog and earn an entry. If you're already a follower, you already have one entry!

2) Comment on this post about how you make Lilly a part of your daily lifestyle and earn another entry!

3) Write a short paragraph mentioning my blog (this doesn't have to be long at all!), along with a link to this giveaway, on your blog. Earn TWO entries this way - be sure to comment here with the link so I can give you credit!

I will be accepting entries until next Tuesday, January 5, 2010 at 11:59 CT. After entering all of the comments on, I'll announce the winner on Wednesday, January 6.

A special THANK YOU to my friends at the Lilly Pulitzer retail store in Southlake, TX for sponsoring this giveaway. They are a great resource for ALL your Lilly needs - their service is first class, they are able to work miracles in finding what you might be looking for. Be sure to give Sh'Lika, Amy or anyone there a call (or drop by!) when shopping for your Lilly! Here's how you can reach them:

Lilly Pulitzer
Southlake Town Square
405 Grand Avenue East
Southlake, TX 76092
(817) 310-3947

Good luck and Happy New Year filled with pink and green!


  1. Happy New Year Lori! I wish you a Happy New Year filled with lots of pink & green!

  2. Hi Lori! You know I make Lilly a part of my life every day. Wearing Lilly boosts my mood and makes me happy. And I love to match my minnies!

    I wrote about your wonderful giveaway on my blog at

    Have a great day!

  3. Happy New Year, Lori!! What a cute LP giveaway. I try every day to add a little Lilly; clothes, shoes, bags, even perfume or on one of my Minnies!!! I'm also starting the 2010 off right with my LP planner -- have to be organized when you have 4 kids!!!

  4. Lilly is a great way to add color to your life even on a cloudy Winter day. I try to get some pink or green in there somewhere.

  5. I love this giveaway! I make Lilly a part of my lifestyle by wearing it all the time, and by picking out shoes or headbands, etc. to go with my Lilly!

  6. I make Lilly a part of my lifestyle by incorporating Lilly wherever I can...dressing it up or down, decorating, correspondence, my blog, baking...the world could use more pink and green! :)

  7. CUTE!! I have been wanting those playing cards for a while! :) I am a new follower to your blog. Can't wait to read your future postings. Do you go to the Lilly Pulitzer facebook page? There are a ton of fun girls on there and we all share our favorite Lilly outfits.

  8. Hello! This is my first time looking at your blog and it is adorable; very Lillyful :) I love Lilly and clearly you do too since even your background is pink and green! Too cute. Since I am in college I can't really afford too much Lilly but I still try to use Lilly in my everyday life. I use my pink and green elephant cups every morning; I even use my Lilly perfume and lotion; smells wonderful. I try to reuse Lilly as much as possible. I let my friends borrow my dresses and skirts for parties and dates. Most of my Lilly either belonged to my Mom or sister so I am very thankful that they have good taste :)

    Anyways...I love your blog and I will be visiting it again real soon! Have a Lillyful day!

  9. Happy New Year Lori ! You're so fun... with your Lilly give away ! Good Luck to all !

  10. Happy New Year, Lori! What a fantastic giveaway. I make life at the office better by using Lilly pocket notebooks, sticky notes and folders. I love going to a meeting with all men and whipping out my lovely notebook. ;-)

  11. Love all this Lilly stuff! I make Lilly a part of my day by using the patterns as an inspiration. Just putting on a Lilly makes my day brighter and makes me a more vibrant person! :)

  12. Thank you everyone for reading my blog! This giveaway is so much fun! Good luck to you all, and recommend my blog to your friends. We'll have ANOTHER giveaway when I reach 100 followers.....:-)
    Happy New Year!

  13. I just found your blog! Precious. I am now a follower so count me in for the prize.

  14. I like Lilly....lifts my spirits and makes me feel good when I wear it!

  15. What a fab giveaway and great way to start off the new decade.

  16. I've always thought Lilly is like an antidepressant on a hanger - who can be blue when wearing pink and green in playful designs? I wear at least one piece of Lilly every day - between accessories and apparel - and there are many days when I am head to toe Lilly. It makes me happy. :-)
    Love your blog, Lori!

  17. I agree 100% with Julie! Pink & green make any day brighter:-)

    As a busy Mom of 2, I used my Lilly dry erase board daily to keep my to do lists.
    And I am loving the Squeeze perfume too!!

  18. Just became a follower of your blog on google connect!

    cathy b
    projecthope7 at gmail dot com
    twitter @projecthope7

  19. Living in Palm Beach, I love being close to all things Lilly! But that started way before I arrived in Florida. Love Lilly... classic chic styles, great accessories, fun homegoods, and comfortable clothes. I have a desire this year to find some Lilly miracles... Lilly design originals, but at an affordable price!(end of season sales?!)... I also was sooooo psyched to see the pink leather playing card case! My birthday is Monday and that would be an incredible present! I have a black leather case that says, Heads I win, tails you lose(LOL)...been looking for something feminine in a leather playing card case to go with it. This would be perfect!
    And I also would love the frisbee... imagine, Lilly even carries a Frisbee! Blessed New Year to all!

    cathy b
    projecthope7 at gmail dot com
    twitter @projecthope7

  20. I am such a Lilly lover that I named my first born Lilly!!! She's a precocious little 4 year old who swears her favorite colors are pink and green, and calls my Lilly dresses "Mommy Pulitzers" because the Lilly Pulitzer dresses are hers :)

  21. I love Lilly so much I named my daughter Lilly. I have worn Lilly since I was young and hope to keep that tradition going in my family!

  22. Oh how fun! I'll mention this on my blog as well @

  23. Well I am a new follower for one entry!
    And the second entry, I love Lilly but can't really afford it so I look for it at ebay and upscale consignment shops...I make it apart of my daily life my basically drooling over it! I do own a few LP items though!
    I'll let you know if I mention on my blog!

  24. Okay I have two blogger profiles so I followed you twice!! And I blogged about you on my public blog.

  25. Thanks everyone for your wonderful comments and for reading my blog! Happy New Year and good luck in the drawing!

    @Lauren, can you send me the link to your public blog so I can give you the proper entry credit? Thank you!

    @kristina, thanks so much for mentioning on your blog! :-)

  26. Your blog is great.Saw your link on the Lilly Facebook page. We incorporate Lilly everyday in our lives. My daughter's wardrobe is practically 100% Lilly and that really makes me smile when I see how cute she looks everyday. I agree with Julie too- It is hard to be blue when you are wearing pink and green! So I try to have at least one thing on a day. I even write my bills using my Lilly pen- that way it doesn't seem that bad.
    Happy New year!

  27. 1. i follow
    2. I find LIlly on Ebay and at consignment stores sometimes.

    Thanks for hosting such a great give-a-way!

  28. Hi! My blog address is

  29. Cute giveaway! I wear Lilly almost everyday! I cant help but be happy when wearing her bright patterns! I have worn Lilly since I was young and hope to keep that tradition going and eventually pass my Lilly to my future kids!

    mentioned on my blog:

    thanks again for the Lilly giveaway!

  30. I just became a follower! Love Lilly!!!

  31. I just became a follower. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!

  32. Hi Lori...I wear Lilly everyday (and Lilly PJs at night:))...I am striving to get my wardrobe to be 95% Lilly! I surround myself with as much Lilly as possible and recently became a rep for the stationery and fine gifts. I love your blog and look forward to reading it often. Happy New Year!

  33. I'm a follower and I love your blog! xoxo


  34. I just tweeted it twice and fb'd it twice. xoxo


  35. Beth Dunn sent me! I love it!
    Keeping a little Lilly in our daily life gets us thru these freezing cold East Coast temps until it's Summer again!!
    I'm reposting & linking!!

  36. I got your comment earlier today! You're too sweet and i'm glad, because I found yet another LILLY LOVER! I am always in for Lilly (wish you had been around for my Lilly entertaining giveaway a month or so ago :-) I'm a follower of you too now! Cheers!

  37. WHat a FUN giveaway!! I use my Lilly calendar every day and dress our children in Lilly whenever I have the chance! Happy 2010 from one of your Followers!

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. I just lillified my kindle so I can see a lilly print every time I read. What a great giveaway! Happy 2010!

  40. I am a follower, I posted on Facebook, tweeted and posted on my blog:

    I am a Lilly addict without owning much Lilly YET! I need to lose a little more weight to wear the pieces I really want to wear. When my DD was little, she wore much Lilly and I have now have her best friend (they are senior and jr. in high school respectively) loving Lilly! I do surround myself with small Lilly items. I adore my Lilly Bermuda bag and covers, my Lilly paper products, note cards, and more. I am on the hunt for Lilly bedding for DD's dorm room next year. I am slowly adding to my collection and hope to be almost completely surrounded by Lilly by the end of the year. Lilly reminds me of warm weather and a lifestyle I gives me warmth right now just to look at it while I sit here freezing in a very cold south!

  41. the "stuck on you notes" are definitely the way LP is a way of life in the winter when I don't own as much Lilly to actually wear as I do in the summer. These fill the gap!

  42. Pinot After playdates is spreading the word!!

  43. Love my Lilly! In fact, wearing a Lilly P. cable-knit sweater and drinking coffee out of a Lilly P. travel mug to keep me warm today! At least I can imagine...

    I will Tweet your giveaway and add myself as one of your followers right now!

  44. Hey!!! your blog is really cute!! Thanks for such an awesome giveaway!

  45. Hey! What a preppy pink & green giveaway! How cute! I love LP!

    I am a follower!

  46. I posted!

  47. Hmmmm.... How do I incorporate Lilly? Well I actually just recently started loving Lilly Pulitzer. So my collection is kind of small. I have an adorable pink and green swimsuit, a preppy shirt a key chain and several other things. Lilly Pulitzer is such an inspiration. She has bright, bold patterns, classic styles and the perfect preppy designs. I hope that I can pass down my Lilly collection to my children latter on in life. Thank you so much for hosting this! And thank you Lilly Pulitzer for sponsoring it!


  48. Hi! I am a new follower / subscriber and I am so happy i found your blog (via pinot after playdates) :) I incorporate Lilly in my daily life by wearing something colorful every day and always using fun colorful post its at work - too many black suits! Need some of that Lilly juice stand color!

  49. Where did you you find these Lilly things, I've never seen them before?! Anyhow I have loved Lilly for FOREVER and try to wear it/use the stationary every day! I think it not only makes me happier but also the people who get to see the adorable bright colors! If I find out how to create a blog/use it then I will most definitely follow you and in the meantime I can just promise to tell friends! I can't wait for the new bedding collection to come out and to go to my first warehouse sale in June! Thanks for hosting this! Even though I don't know how to have my own blog, I click on the links to your blog and read them when you post the link on facebook! Thanks again & crossing my fingers! (:

  50. I just discovered your blog today and have since started following! I love all of your posts that I've read already. :)

    I make Lilly apart of my day everyday by wearing some type of pink or green almost daily! And, Lilly is definitely apart of my day due to my shopping online stalking every single night!

  51. I love Lilly and try to make her bright colors and unique perspective an inspiration in how I should live each and every day!

  52. I know the cut off is over but I just wanted to tell you I love your blog and I am a new follower!!!! I have a giveaway over at my place that I think you will love!!


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