Giveaway Winners - Updated!

Happy Tuesday, Shopaholics! Sorry I've been so far behind here. It seems life has been crazy since my friend Lisa's memorial service, my 40th birthday, Gabe having his accident, etc.

I'm happy to report that Gabe came home from the hospital on Monday afternoon. A broken shoulder is his only remaining injury, and while the poor thing is miserable from the pain, he is going to be ok. We're so thankful the brain bleed stopped on it's own, and they didn't have to "go in". Whew! Thanks so much for all your comments here and on my Facebook page. Gabe's father (my younger cousin) read all of your posts, and he said he was just in tears with all the kindness and concern for his son. Apparently the well wishes and prayers worked! You guys are the best. :-)

Congratulations to all our giveaway winners! Below I have an updated list. If you've won a giveaway, please be sure to contact me ( so we can get the ball rolling on your prize! You have 72 hours to claim - or I'll have to draw another winner! 

Day One - Caroline Grace Jewelry - "Laurie"
Day Two - mcc designs - "AMStarkey"
Day Three - Lotus and Lilly - "Equinegirls"
Day Four - Preppy Princess - "DCGopGirl"
Day Five - Lynn Whelan Designs - "Southern Living: Preppy Style"
Day Six - Preppy Ladybug - "Sweet Tea and Biscuits"
Day Seven - At The Blue Barn - "Fried Pink Tomato"
Day Eight - Under The Palm Tree - "Adventures of the pink passport"
Day Nine - Kiel James Patrick - "jilly"
Day Ten - The Pink Pelican - "heatheremery"
Day Eleven - Votre Vu - "CALillylover"
Day Twelve - The Pink Giraffe - "flip flops and pearls"
Day Thirteen - Lil and Kalle - "Brittany"

Whew! That's a lot of winners! Thank you to all the readers for entering our giveaways! If you didn't win, don't worry! We have two more giveaways coming - one on Wednesday and one on Thursday - so you'll have at least two more opportunities! Like I said, with everything else going on, I've fallen a wee bit behind here. But now, I am working on catching up!

Hope you have a wonderful Tuesday! Are you shopping the Lilly Pulitzer sale online today? I can smell the smoke from a few folks credit cards already......(not mine, they were taken away years ago, I have to pay with "real" money now). *it's not as much fun either-ha*

I can't wait to hear what you score!


  1. so happy to hear that the baby is fine. I prayed for him all last night. Their has just been too much death and sadness around me these past few weeks. but i know God gives us lessons to learn from, in this case, i've learned the angels probably broke his fall. Thank goodness all is going to be well.

  2. Congrats to all of the winners! I am glad Gabe is better!

  3. So glad to hear the news about Gabe. Congratulations to all of the winners. xoxo

  4. Good to hear he's doing so much better! Congrats to all the winners!

  5. Yay!!! I ordered an extra Lilly print from LWhelan...she emailed me pictures, love them!!
    Such a great giveaway.
    So, so SO happy to hear about Gabe, was very worried for the little fella. Praise God!!

  6. Glad to hear about Gabe. Prayed for him and the family. God arms are big! and keeps us safe.

  7. What wonderful news about sweet little Gabe! Always remember that God is so good!!!

  8. Great news about Gabe!

    Congrats to all thye Lucky Winners! cheers! xox Sue

  9. Prayers were answered for Gabe! Wonderful news. Congrats to all the winners...and thanks for the giveaways!


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