Happy 2013: About Those Resolutions...

Happy New Year, only 9 days late! HA! I hope your 2013 began with a bang and you're having a great start to the new year! 

To write this post, I wanted to look back on my 2012 resolutions post. (It's HERE for the record.) There is one thing I notice, and quite frankly it's a little sad. 

Every year, my #1 New Years Resolution is to lose weight. Last year I totally *FAILED* at this resolution. Believe me, I have plenty of excuses reasons. I suppose the biggest reason is because I went back to work, and between the long hours in mortgage and a two hour commute every day, I simply don't have the time to exercise regularly. 

Then again, don't we ALL have 24 hours in our day? And isn't this simply a matter of priorities? You know - how we manage our time. That's what the DH and my Father would tell me. I'm not sure how I will ever get this weight off. I don't want to give up, but life is gradually beating me into submission. 

On the good news front: I did manage to stick to both of my resolutions regarding money. We saved through the 401K as planned, and we met our personal savings goal. In addition, somehow I was able to curb my spending wayyy back last year. The DH and my Father would say it was because I've been at work more, and on the computer less. Now - on that note, they might be correct! 

For 2013, I decided to stick to my 2012 resolutions - and add just one. The new addition to my list? Be Awesome! 

#1 - Be Awesome
#2 - Lose Weight
#3 - Exercise Consistently
#4 - Spend less money on stuff I don't need anyway
#5 - Save More Money

What is on your resolutions list for 2013? Wish me luck - I will admit I didn't go with #4 until AFTER the Lilly Pulitzer New Year Cheer Sale. More on that topic later...

Have a Wonderful Wednesday! 


  1. I love your resolutions! Mine are very similar, but I love the "Be Awesome" - hadn't thought of that one, but it's so important!

    xx Emily @ laughliveandshop.blogspot.com

  2. So happy you are writing again and love the first resolution! Question, do you know if any pictures of the Lilly spring collection have been released or leaked? I'm so eager to see it!!


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