A Moment Of Clarity In A Time Of Crisis

Do you ever have a brief moment of clarity?  It could be about anything life throws your way - a gut instinct regarding a career change, a relationship change, or a change in your habits? Oprah calls these "Ah Ha" moments, and I'm inclined to agree.

Last week I was faced with evacuating from my home here at the beach due to the pending arrival of Hurricane Isaac. Luckily, our area was mostly spared from any damage and turns out evacuation probably wasn't necessary...but I still had to go through the motions. 

After packing up all my important papers (deeds, titles, insurance documents), my wedding photos (I got married such a long time ago there are no electronic copies) and my jewelry - I was standing there in my spare bedroom looking at the contents of my closet. Then I looked at my second closet. I had to decide - what to take and what to leave. As you can imagine, the entire process was completely overwhelming. It was in that moment that I went "Ah Ha".

I have way too much stuff. Seriously. I made the decision to pack up everything that was still new with tags, and sent it all inland. It was so much that I would be mortified to admit the quantity. When did it get so out of control? I know I'm a "Shopaholic" - but still...what happened here?

In that moment I made a decision. From this moment forward, I will be much more ruthless about what I buy. I will know that I will wear that item within a specific period of time. No longer will I buy things and allow them to sit in the closet, NWT, for a year or more. Because the thought of evacuating and deciding what to take and what to leave (and potentially lose) is just too overwhelming.

Of course we have insurance, but I already know there is no way insurance would replace my collections. And who wants to fight that battle? Yeah, not me. 

Have you ever had that "Ah Ha" moment? Tell me I'm not alone here! 

P.S. Note that Hurricane Isaac's evacuation occurred AFTER the Lilly Pulitzer Endless Summer Sale online...and I ordered a PILE of stuff from that sale. I'm waiting on it all to arrive (yes, still) and will be blogging my finds there. Just don't want you guys to think I'm crazy and ordered a ton AFTER the evac. Not that it would surprise anyone, of course. :-) 


  1. I had this realization when I moved back home for the summer after my junior year of college. I had absolutely SO MUCH STUFF and nowhere to put it, and I hold on to things from middle school and high school just because it still fits (despite the fact I haven't worn it in 8+ years). And my ESS stuff still has not even SHIPPED....and I think we're going on 11 business days now. Kind of ridiculous.

    xx Emily @ laughliveandshop.blogspot.com

  2. I have been feeling this way a lot lately. Time for some major purging! :)

  3. Super cute blog! xo.



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