New Years Resolution: Use Ebates!

Happy Holidays! Hope Santa was good to you all - it was a crazy holiday for us, and now I can't believe it's almost 2015. Wow - where has the year gone? Seems like it was last week when we were all making New Years resolutions for 2014. Today, I wanted to talk about Ebates - the world's largest FREE website offering you cash back for online shopping. It's so easy - you sign up free (use my link HERE ). Then every time you shop online, start at the Ebates website to link to your favorite retailer website. Often times, there are special or promotional cash back percentages for a limited time. In addition, you will occasionally find very nice coupon codes for your favorite retailer. All this helps to save you money - and that quarterly cash back check is pretty nice. :-) Speaking of that cash back check, you can opt for a paper check (this is what I do) or have your rebates sent to your Paypal. As a matter of information, you can see my numbers above. I joined...