Final Damages: Lilly Pulitzer Endless Summer Sale

Well, it took a little over a month - but now I can finally confess my damages from the Lilly Pulitzer Endless Summer Sale.

Most of us remember the details very well - the website crashed at the beginning of the sale, order status was uncertain, some customers received GWP's and others didn't, many people had cancelled was a mess. I felt really bad for the people who work at Lilly Pulitzer - honestly, we all know they want to take care of their customer. But the sale spiraled out of control, and it was really tough on the peeps at The Pink Palace. 

When it was all said and done, I ordered twenty items for a total of $843. Full retail price on those items was $3432, so I saved 75% off retail. Of the original twenty items ordered, I only received sixteen of them because one of my orders was cancelled. (Those four items were sold out). Naturally, I was disappointed but I have to say - the Customer Service crew at Lilly Pulitzer made it right for me. I couldn't be more pleased with their team of Customer Service folks and would like to tell everyone at The Pink Palace "Thank you"! 

In the end, I have to say that I couldn't be more pleased with the sale. At an average of 70-80% off with Free shipping, I am more than willing to wait for my orders to be processed and to ship. Where else could you get that? Maybe at the semi-annual warehouse sale, but if you're like me and have to fly up to Philadelphia, get a hotel room and spend a ton of $$$ dining and drinking in addition to your shopping - this is a much better option. I'm very happy! 

Like everyone else who had a cancelled order, I received an email with a promotion code for $100 off my next online purchase. Now I am debating - wait for the Resort collection later this month, or pick up another piece of the Fall collection? Decisions, decisions...

Thank you, Lilly Pulitzer, for offering such a magnificent sale. You already know it of course, but I'd like to publicly state that I'm a "lifer" - a customer for life! :-) 

What were your final damages from the Lilly Pulitzer Endless Summer Sale? 


  1. Love your loot! I scored a lot, as well! I also received an email for $100 because of a canceled order. I should have resisted and waited for resort, but I can always ask for that, for Christmas. :) I ended up using the $100 toward a Davie Dress and the new late Fall Elsa, Sweet Nothings.

  2. I wish I got that coupon!!! I didn't have a canceled order but couldn't check out numerous times and missed out on many things I wanted:( Looks like you did great. I did get a 20% off and got the allaire dress and a kids tusk in the sun dress for a friend's daughter.

  3. I am waiting for the resort collection to come out. I too have a 300.00 credit for items out of stock or items I had to send back (fit reasons).
    Love d the blog today.

  4. ugh i'm so jealous! i waited too long on the sale and everything i wanted was sold out :( new follower, can't wait to catch up on your posts :)

  5. LOVE all your goodies!! Can't wait to see you "model"them for us all!! Have a lovely weekend and ROLL TIDE!!!


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