Testing The Waters

***Y'all who were reading before - you know I am HONEST to a fault. This post contains my honest feelings and is not censored. If you came here today to get cheered up or motivated, I apologize in advance. You might want to tune in another day!*** A big hello to you all! Wow - I can't believe it has been four years since I was involved in blogging. I have often wondered "is it time to revive the blog" over this time...and after some encouragement from long time readers and friends, I have decided to test the waters! It feels so strange - I don't even know if folks read blogs anymore! I know that most blogging happens on platforms such as Instagram, which in my mind is for pictures more than content. And heck let's face it, most days I don't even put on makeup or fix my hair, so that will NOT work for this chick. HA! If you're still around and want to read my ramblings, this is the place for you. 😀 The last time I blogged I was so focused on...