Sixteen Years and Counting...

Happy Monday, Shopaholics! Hope you had a wonderful weekend!

On October 22, 1994 my life changed forever. DH and I were married in a traditional ceremony in Mobile, AL. We celebrated our reception at the Richards DAR House in downtown Mobile and honeymooned on a cruise. Cute, huh? The above photo was taken at our wedding reception. My scanner isn't working, so I had to take a photo of a photo - hence the bad picture quality. I wish you could see it better.

Last Friday we celebrated our 16th anniversary, which began with this delivery...

Did you notice the sand dollars attached to the red ribbon? What else could you expect from a florist named "Flowers By The Shore"? :-)

We spent the entire afternoon at the beach, enjoying a nice relaxing afternoon and talking for hours. Amazing to me how time flies, some things change...but thankfully others stay the same. I am blessed with a DH who also loves the beach!

After the beach we went out to dinner at Louisiana Lagniappe, a local restaurant that offers some of the area's best seafood and steak. When our server heard it was our anniversary, she brought us complimentary glasses of champagne. How sweet was that?

My sister and her DH was child-free for the evening - so they joined us. This contributed to a shall we say "festive atmosphere" in which more wine was consumed than originally planned...
Our evening ended with a late night game of Lilly Monopoly. We're pretty sure my sister won, but couldn't verify because "someone" mixed the game and money allllll up because they were ready for it to be ovah. :-)

In closing, I have to say I feel very lucky to be married to such a wonderful DH AND have family close to celebrate with us. Hope your weekend was fabulous!  


  1. Happy Anniversary! What a fun evening! :)

  2. Happy Anniversary!!! Y'all have aged well!


    When we lived in OB, LL was "our" place. They have THE BEST bread pudding everrrrrr.

    Looks like the perfect night:)
    Hope your weekend is FAB!!

  4. Sounds like a perfect night. Happy Anniversary!!!

  5. Happy Happy Anniversary Lori. You & DH are getting a good start on things :) It's easy when you marry your best friend. Love your blog especially the fishing pics.


  6. Happy Anniversary! I'm loving that 1994 hairdo!! :)

  7. Happy anniversary! It sounds like you've had a wonderful celebration, and I wish you 60 more years of happiness!!

  8. Happy Anniversary! Love the sand dollars on the rose vase!!

  9. Happy Anniversary! What a beautiful bride! xoxo

  10. Happy Anniversary! Wishing you many more years of marriage bliss :)

  11. Happy Anniversary to you. You are gorgeous girl!!!

  12. So glad you both HAD a wonderful anniversary!

  13. Glad you had a happy anniversary!

  14. Hey gorgeous! LOVE the wedding picture, you two are such a beautiful couple. Hope it was the happiest day for you both! Here's to MANY, MANY more! :) xoxoxoox


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