Cyber Monday Deals & Steals

Have you been busy shopping this Cyber Monday? I've seen several bloggers post today about their favorite preppy and shopping deals, and I don't want to duplicate what you are seeing everywhere else. However, I'll tell you about a few fun things you might like! Over on Ebates , there are a TON of retailers offering additional cash back this Cyber Monday. Some of my favorites include: 10% Cash Back at Old Navy and Gap, 6% Cash Back at J. Crew, 6% Cash Back at Bloomingdale's, 20% Cash Back at Snapfish (holiday cards, anyone?), 7% Cash Back at Kate Spade, 52% Cash Back at, 12% Cash Back at Origins (plus $10 off $25 purchase with code "TENOFF"). Also in some of the best news I've seen on Ebates in forever - Ebay is back! Yes, you can now get that Cash Back for linking through Ebates to Ebay. You can join Ebates FREE with my link HERE . Since joining Ebates , I have earned over $430 for doing what I was planning to do anyway - shop online!...