Christmas Shopping....

Is it just me, or do you also find it difficult to stay focused this time of year??? When shopping for everyone on your Christmas list, are you also tempted "one for them, one for me"??? Yep, that's my problem too. Especially when the deals are soooo good!

I do the majority of my shopping online. It's so convenient, and I ♥ getting a box from UPS. I can hear the UPS truck a half mile away, and where I live at the beach, there aren't many people around this time of year. When I hear that familiar sound, I KNOW it's my package!

When I lived up north (that would be NORTH Carolina, not the "real" north!) I had access to GREAT shopping. Nordstrom, Saks, Restoration Hardware, Sephora, Ulta, a huge Belk with a Lilly Pulitzer department that would blow your mind.......I must admit I MISS that shopping. Now I'm addicted to certain brands, and of course I cannot buy them locally. Thank goodness for the internet!

Are you shopping online this year, or braving the crowds in the stores? Let me hear from you!


  1. I am such an online shopper. Etsy has an endless supply of fabulous gift opportunities!

  2. I am also at the nearly deserted beach and even my cats here the UPS man a comin! XXOO

  3. I keep hearing about Etsy too! I also buy (and sell!) a TON of stuff on Ebay.

    Funny story, I heard a truck today and got ALL excited as I'm not "expecting" any UPS. It was Fedex and sadly, no package for me. But I did hear them coming - maybe next time I'll be receiving a delivery from Santa! :-)


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