Giving Back During the Holidays

Hello FF! We all know because the "media" won't let us forget.....the worldwide economy is in the tank this holiday season. Now I don't know about you, but I'm doing my part to help out. I'm shopping just as much as normal, and spending about the same as always.

One thing that is really suffering because of the economy right now are the charitable organizations. This time of year, they REALLY depend on donations. There are many ways you can get involved that don't cost very much $$ or very much of your time.

Here are some suggestions:

1. Volunteer to serve a meal at your local womens shelter, homeless shelter or soup kitchen. This is a great thing to do as a family and make a new tradition of giving that will be passed on for generations.

2. Adopt an "angel" from one of the trees. The Salvation Army has an excellent program for children.

3. Toys For Tots - United States Marine Corps has collection sites all over most towns. Take a new, unwrapped toy and drop it in.

4. Donate something you're not using, or maybe you just have too many. (I have this problem with hair products, more than I could use before they will go bad!). EX: Shampoos, conditioners, soaps, etc. Great places to take these items: orphanages, nursing homes, womens shelters. I'm sure you can think of many places that need these items in your community.

5. Adopt an elderly person and drop off a small gift. Walgreens has trees up in their stores, "wants and needs" along with the elder's name is on the tag. You can actually purchase the items in the store and leave them there under the tree, you won't have to make a return trip.

6. Donate those used COATS that are still in good condition. Homeless shelters are a great place to take these, as more people are homeless today than ever. Plus, it's getting cold EVERYWHERE now.

7. Volunteer to help DELIVER the donated items at a place like the nursing home. It always brightens someone's day to get an unexpected visit this time of year!

Personally, I have done two things this holiday season. First, adopted one of the elders today at Walgreens. My nephew and I shopped for everything on the list - it was so uncomplicated. All the gentleman asked for was candy, peanuts and after shave. His name was Robert. We loaded him up - 3 bottles of after shave, 2 huge canisters of peanuts, Werthers bagged candy, lots of chocolates and some mints. It felt great to leave that bag under the tree. In my local Walgreens, the deadline has been extended to Dec. 21 because there are so many angels left on the tree waiting to be adopted. Second, I have a HUGE box of toiletries to drop off at the womens shelter. It is full! I have also thrown in some makeup to help give these women confidence in their inner beauty. It feels great to be able to share with others, and truly is the spirit of the season.

Now don't go getting excited, yes I still love to shop and that's what I'll mostly be blogging about around these parts. However, so many people need help this year and if every one of us just did one small thing to help another person, think of the difference it would make. Remember - think globally, act locally.

What are you doing or have you already done this season? Let me hear from you, I'm sure you'll have great ideas that I never thought about!


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