Happy 101 Award

Thank you so much to Maryland Pink and Green for giving me the Happy 101 award! So sweet of her and I love her blog! Here are the rules!

List 10 Things that make you happy.
Tag 10 Bloggers that brighten your day.

10 Things that make me happy:

1. Living at the BEACH.
2. Wearing Lilly Pulitzer, no matter the season.
3. Surprising family or friends with an unexpected gift.
4. Having a totally clean house!
5. Receiving a hand written note or card in the mail.
6. Enjoying a great meal with my family, especially when it includes local seafood.
7. How great I feel after a hard workout.
8. My sweet nephews, who love me even when I look awful.
9. Sitting on the beach and working on my tan, with a cold drink of course :-)
10. Last but certainly not least, the site of my sweet husbands face. I love to hear the door open when he comes in from work every afternoon.

10 Bloggers that brighten my day:

1. Maryland Pink and Green
2. Monograms and Manicures
3. Lilly Lovers
4. The Year I Bid Adieu to J Crew
5. LIFE: Capture, Create, Commemorate
6. Monograms & Martinis in Manhattan
7. Everything is Better Pink
8. Summer is a Verb
9. Preppy Pink and Green Puppy
10. Social Climbers


  1. Thank you sweet heart! You are a doll. you brighten my day too. xoxo


  2. Merci! Can I just cut and paste your 10 since I agree whole heartedly with all? Here comes the UPS truck! No kidding...XXOO

  3. Great list! I really like to get "real" mail, too. Hope you're having a great day!

  4. I love all yours! Thank you for passing it along to me.


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