The Face Of The Earth - I Haven't Dropped Off!

Happy Monday, Shopaholics! Did you guys think I deserted you? Were you wondering "where in the world is she" and if I was ever going to update again? Never fear - I am back now!

The past month has been a whirlwind of events, emotions and happenings around the Shopaholic 'hood. So much to cover that I probably won't be able to do it in one post (and you'd be bored reading it anyway!).

May was a extremely busy and challenging month for me. Just a few things:  the DH started a new job where he is traveling all the time (he's been gone for two weeks today, returning on Thursday - hopefully);  I've been working out 4-5 days per week and trying to lose weight (yes - again); I put myself on self imposed "buying restriction" because of the workout/weight loss plan; and we had huge family celebrations for Mother's Day, both of my parent's birthdays (they are only 6 days apart!) and Memorial Day. IF all this weren't quite enough for me to handle, I am also working 1-2 days per week and trying to get the house cleaned out and clutter g-o-n-e.

Can I be honest? I am tired. Exhausted. This has been a huge period of adjustment for me and everyone in my family. DH is working nights most of the time, so we aren't able to speak as often as I would like. It's tough being home by myself and alone. (Although I will admit I have not missed having to cook dinner every night). I've been spending a lot of time with my parents and sister's family to help me through this time.

Thanks to those of you who are still here and still reading my blog. I really appreciate your support. Sometimes I think it's good to step away for a bit and gain a little perspective. Over this past weekend, I was talking with my sister about why I haven't been blogging. I told her that I didn't think I had anything interesting to share and sometimes I feel that my little blog doesn't compare to the others that many of you read day in and day out. Amy reminded me that while my life is vastly different than most, it's still interesting in it's own right and there are people out there who want to hear what I have to say. I'm hoping she is correct and you all haven't forgotten about me. :-)

Have a Marvelous Monday - lots of fun posts coming up this week so stay tuned!


  1. Lori I just wanted to know that I missed you. I always look forward to hearing about your adventures and shopping sprees. I think you add alot to the "blogosphere" and I truly look forward to hearing from you!!

  2. Are you kidding? I've honestly checked your blog everyday, waiting to hear from you again. Glad you're back, and working out so much too! Good luck with the missing hubby and cleaning out. Hopefully, with the new job means more fun vacation trips (when he's not working) and more LILLY! :)


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