Coastal Cleanup, Saturday September 17: Get The Trash Out Of The Splash

Happy Thursday! Today I will be busy cleaning house and preparing for work tomorrow. The DH is arriving home late Friday night. He's been away for two weeks and I have really missed his sweet self. :-) 

We have big plans celebrating my BFF Ashleigh's 40th birthday this weekend here at the beach. However, before I can enjoy the party - I have a civic duty to perform.  

Saturday, September 17, is International Coastal Cleanup Day. This will be my third year to participate. As you all know, we love the beach. It's part of my soul and I spend a ton of time there - not to mention all my "pavement time" spent walking/running. When I'm out and I see trash that has been left behind by tourists, spilled out of garbage cans, or washing up on the beach - it ticks me off. I always have an extra trash bag on hand at the beach and always pick up trash I see - even if it didn't belong to me/us. There is nothing worse than a child stepping on a piece of broken glass or seeing a bird eat a cigarette butt left on the beach. 

Since Alabama joined the ICC in 1987, we have experienced the following results: 61,513 volunteers in Alabama have removed a total of 1,169,844 pounds of debris and cleaned 3,917 miles of Alabama coastline.  Amazing, huh?

Coastal Cleanup is an opportunity for one individual to make a difference! You can sign up to clean the shore - it can be done alone or with a team. When you show up on cleanup day, the volunteers will provide you an assignment based on need, etc. The event lasts from 8am - noon and then you are done and free to enjoy your Saturday! Here in Alabama you receive a tee shirt as a reward for your efforts. 

The link to Alabama's official Coastal Cleanup website is HERE. Wondering how to find information specific to your state's effort? Just Google search "Coastal Cleanup 2011 Florida" (or your state) and you'll find everything you need! 

If you have a little free time on Saturday morning, I encourage you to participate. Don't think it doesn't apply to you if you don't live near the beach - rivers, lakes, etc are all included in the ICC program. Even if it's not the Gulf of Mexico, Atlantic or Pacific Oceans, we all live near a body of water! :-) 

Have you ever been a part of Coastal Cleanup? 

Gandhi: "Be the change you want to see in the world". 

p.s. I originally intended to post this for "Salt Water Saturday" and realized that if you were interested in joining the cause, it might be too late for you to make plans.....duh!  


  1. Get the trash out of the splash is the cutest tag line! Good for you!

  2. It makes me so mad when I go down to walk on the beach in the mornings and there are beer bottles, cigarettes, etc. Why do people want to trash up such a beautiful place? Glad your hubby will be home- have a great weekend Lori!

  3. I don't think you should stereotype or generalize by stating the trash is generated by tourists. Do you honestly believe that no locals litter? Good for you for picking up the trash.


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