Lilly Buying "Restriction" Starts Now And Here's Why

Happy Monday, Shopaholics!

Last week the DH was out of town for several days, and it was a perfect opportunity to take care of a little "closet business" around these parts. As many of you already know, I have bought quite a few pieces of new Lilly over the past 2-3 weeks. I had been stacking them up in a spare bedroom and they needed to be hung and the closet purged once again.

I could not believe the full extent of my "damage" once it was all arranged and in my face. The recent rash of sales have killed me! I managed to buy not one, not two, not even ten new dresses.....Twelve new dresses!

Two new Elsa tops, one Reenie top and one Vivi top...

Also a new embroidered denim skirt with labs (I literally live in these denim skirts in the spring and summer), Vivien top in toile, Katia knit wrap in white, Hannah tie top and the cutest argyle sweater just for fun.

Believe it or not, I even bought a few dresses that I ALREADY OWN. Ugh, I hate it when that happens. This just "might" be a sign that I have a little bit too much, when I can't remember what I have. You can look for those to be listed on Shopaholic's Preppy Closet any day. (link HERE)

As a result of my buying binge, I am now on a self-imposed "Lilly Buying Restriction". It begins now and will last until the next special Lilly Pulitzer event on March 12. Massive selling efforts will be underway until then as it's pretty clear I need to free up some space and become familiar with the contents of my closet once again. :-)

Can I make it? You guys might need to hold my hand through this one, I hate buying restrictions...matter of fact, I hate any type of restriction. Don't worry though, I will continue to share gorgeous finds with you here. But I won't be buying them myself!

Are you on any buying restriction? Trying to cut back, or are you in full "spring shopping" mode?

Have a Marvelous Monday!


  1. Good luck! I didn't buy Lilly for the last 4 months when I was looking for a job, when before I bought at least one piece a week... it was SO hard at first, but by the end super easy. Stay strong, and we'll be here for moral support! xoxo.

  2. LOVE all of your latest purchases! I wore my light blue ball and chain Jonah to a wedding shower on Saturday, and received so many compliments. I know you will too! :) Good luck restricting yourself! At least by the time March 12th rolls around, you'll have been able to wear each of your newest pieces at least once. :)

  3. That all just looks so pretty. Good luck on your shopping restriction. I am currently on the hunt for a shower dress (and shoes!). Do you know what the Lilly event on March 12th will be?

  4. I need to do this too -- but gosh it would be so hard -- good luck in your endeavors

  5. I have 12 inches of snow on the ground. Not feeling terribly Lillyish. I wore my SWAK dress for Valentine Day. I love looking!

  6. I'm in a shopping mode but it ends soon! xoxo

  7. Ooh I am super jealous of your closet! I've been shopping nonstop too and I need to stop too!!

  8. You can do it lady! I want on a shopping hiatus for a couple months. It's tough but totally doable!

  9. gorgeous dresses, you have wonderful taste! I can honestly say that I don't even own twelve dresses...

  10. Is there a big sale happening on March 12th? If so, I am in the same boat! All your purchases are lovely! Have fun wearing them!

  11. LOVE this... it all looks soooo pretty together :)

  12. I too have been on a major Lilly P buying spree lately. It's safe to say that I will be in hiding the day the Hubs recieves the credit card bill!

  13. Look at all your pretty clothes! Just looking at them makes me happy. I need to put myself on restriction Lori! I have a wardrobe for someone who lives in Palm Beach! I got the murfee scarf in fresh catch toile this week and that is going to be my last Lilly purchase ( or any purchase) for a while. I need to sell some things to make room for all I have. It's so hard when there are so many pretty things and all these fabulous deals!!!


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