Gettin' The Lead Out Of My Feet And Out Of My Head!

Wow - what a wonderful holiday weekend! We had way too much to eat, way too much to drink, and today I am paying the price. 

My morning started with 4 miles here at the beach to get the lead out - how about yours? It is seriously time to get motivated and going again - my exercise program has suffered big time the past few months. 

How do you stay motivated? Any tricks I need to know about? And - does anyone know how to create an extra hour or two every day? I'm thinking I need at least 26, 28 hours in a day! 

Happy Tuesday! 


  1. I'm trying to get motivated as well! So hard to exercise after a long day at work, maybe I'll have to try morning workouts!

  2. I really need to start a workout routine again. Wish I could find the time. I look at Pinterest for motivation and then I just get depressed! ha


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