Coastal Concerns Continue....

Happy Friday, Shopaholics! I soooo wish I could say I am looking forward to the weekend, but at this point I'm filled with what can only be described as a growing sense of dread. It's no longer a question of "if" this oil spill makes it to our shores, but when. NOAA is now officially predicting Sunday for the Alabama Gulf Coast, and Saturday for Bumpkin on a Swing on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. Today we are heading to Dauphin Island, which is the barrier island you see on the above map (Alabama coast, west side of Mobile Bay). I am also inserting a map below which Bumpkin put together a few days ago, with both of our locations marked. This will give you an idea about Gulf coast geography if you're not already familiar! I will likely be without internet access most of the weekend. Let's say this - Dauphin Island is a tad "remote". It's not "Gilligan's Island" (there are 2 gas stations and working telephones, even a few restaur...