Big Brother Time!

Happy Thursday, July 7 --- AKA "Big Brother Season Premiere Night". :-) 

I can't even believe I am admitting this, but me and the DH are avid watchers and huge fans of the Big Brother show. Every summer we look forward to the premiere and can't wait to "meet" all the new house guests. 

Tonight we will be watching at 8pm CT - will you? Don't worry - this is a judgment free zone. It's ok if you love Big Brother too - please confess below and then I'll feel better about watching it myself! 

Have a great day! 


  1. Watch it every season! Actually posting about it on my blog today. :)

  2. You are not alone... I was actually just sitting here wishing it was tomorrow night already so that BB would be on...hahah I am not a fan of any of the Housewives shows or Jersey Shore or any of that, but I am obsessed with Big Brother. I think it's going to be a great season. I heart Jordan!!


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