Salt Water Saturday: Lots of Traffic, Even More People and Oppressive Heat!

Happy Salt Water Saturday, blends! 

This is one of those days that is gorgeous  ---- but reminds me of why life at the beach can be difficult in July! 

The temp is 99 degrees. It took me over three hours to drive from Mobile to Gulf Shores today - this is normally a 75-90 minute drive, tops. There are soooo many people down here - even the restaurants that aren't very good are packed! 

These are the days...that make me wish for back to school time! I don't plan to move again until Monday! 

Hope your Saturday is going well! 


  1. Good golly! Why so many people? The water on Sanibel was 90 degrees a few weeks back. Too hot for me. Big hug to you & the D-man.

    Take good care,


  2. wow....bless your heart. I think after seeing this I am def. spoiled with my beach. Kiawah Is in SC is not half as crowed and very private. I think I shall stay put too.


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