Resolution Solution Series Kickoff: Saving Money!

Happy Wednesday everyone! Hope your week is going well so far!

Yesterday we were talking about New Years resolutions; how difficult they are to keep, and how we seem to make the same ones year after year. This gave me an idea!

Starting today - a new series of posts on Shopaholic In Alabama called "Resolution Solution Series". My next few posts (who knows how long this will last, I surely don't) will be all about tips and tricks to help you KEEP your resolutions. Every day I will have a new tip or trick for you to try.

One of our typical NY resolutions is to save money. Now, we all know this - in order to save money you have to do one of two things: 1) spend less or 2) make more. It would appear that in today's economy, both are extremely lofty and difficult goals - but they are possible.

I ask the following question with all seriousness: Have you considered Couponing? Friends, pick yourself up off the floor. It's still me here, no aliens have taken over my blog. I decided to let you in on one of my secrets: This Shopaholic is also a Coupon Queen! :-) I know, I sounds a little strange. I only wear designer - mainly Lilly Pulitzer - it's difficult to think about me sitting down with scissors and a pile of coupons. But I do! And I save REAL MONEY! You can do it too!

Yesterday, I went to Publix and bought everything in this photo. I want you to guess how much it cost...

Are you ready? I paid $11.05 for everything! We're talking two bottles of laundry detergent, six cans of Scrubbing Bubbles cleaner, one Pine Sol (I love the smell of floors cleaned with this) and two Taco kits. Better than that - I SAVED $33.66. (Note I didn't purchase the Lilly market tote, I carry that to the grocery every time I go!)

Here's the proof, in all it's glory. The receipt.

I've been couponing like this for well over a year, maybe eighteen months. I always save at least 50%, but sometimes as much as 80-90%. My goal is 50% savings every time I walk into the doors of Publix, Walgreen, CVS or Rite Aid. 

I'm sure you have lots of questions! Feel free to ask away, I'll try to answer them all in an upcoming blog post. For now, I leave you with links to all the money-saving blogs I frequent. These ladies are really the ones who taught me - and I'm so grateful to them! They do all the work - you just follow the instructions. Simple. Yes, it takes a little time. I spend an average of three hours per week on my coupons - organizing, clipping, pulling together my trips, etc. But I also save an average of $100-125 per week; so it's time well spent! 

I can't wait to hear what you think! Do you coupon? Are you surprised to learn this about me? Would you like to get started? Let's talk! 

Money saving blogs you'll love: (click on blog name for link)

I Heart Publix (great site if you shop at Publix)
The Bargain Buggy (wonderful overall site about couponing and saving money, great instructions on how to get started)
I Heart Saving Money (this site covers a wide variety of stores - I use it for CVS, Walgreens and Rite Aid)
Southern Savers (helpful for those in markets without a Publix - Winn Dixie, Harris Teeter, Ingles, Bi Lo, Kroger, etc)
Frugal Fairhope (a local blog - in my opinion, the most frugal of them all - wonderful advice and information)
Totally Target (the name should tell you enough!)


  1. Perfect timing as becoming a crazy couponer is my goal too! I even started a new blog so I could keep a running list of coupon blogs. I got free toothpaste yesterday and you would think I won the lotto. I was so excited to figure out how to work the deals and coupons!

  2. yay....I vowed, in my head, NOT OUTLOAD, to start back trying to use coupons. (if I type it so say it I feel I have to do it, lol)

    I tried it last year and I am dead serious, after searching them out, trying to print and cut, I seriously thought I was going to stroke out or drink wine. (not good when it's like 8am!)

    I shall try again, thanks for all this!

    Speaking of money, lets go spend some! Let's plan something soon!

  3. Love it!!! I do coupons and sales as well, shopping is my sport and you have to be smart and good at it!!! I look forward to your tips! And love that you are a coupon queen!!!!!

  4. I'm going to start doing this. Sunday's paper is still on the coffee table....need to get the scissors and start clipping. Thanks for the resource list!

  5. I love this post! Thanks for the tips! So you mostly use websites and not just cut out of the Sunday paper I am guessing?

  6. How do you start this? I cannot BELIEVE you paid only 16 dollars for all that stuff - but I feel like the stuff that I need to buy would never be on sale. How do you find coupons?

  7. Wow, what a savings!! I might have to give coupons a try.

  8. I coupon but am not that good. My best buys are at CVS using extra care bucks. One of my goals this year is to get better at it! Thanks for the references to the websites, some of them are new to me.

  9. I LOVE couponing...I bought $44.00 worth of items at CVS for $9.85 the other day! My key is to not be brand specific, I buy what is on sale plus the coupons. The Publix BOGO free, plus the coupon...can be a money maker! I also buy coupons (yes, buy coupons!) Crazy I know! Great post!


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