My Very First Concert: Elvis Presley

Today we are on our way to Dallas to see the Tide play on Saturday night! As we ride along I-20 between Vicksburg, MS and Monroe, LA we are listening to XM-19, the Elvis Presley channel. Here's a little fun fact about me that you don't know yet - the first concert I ever attended was none other than Elvis! It was his last performance in Mobile, on August 29, 1976. I was only six years ago and remember the concert like it was yesterday. My Father bought the tickets and took me, Mother and Nanny. My Aunt also went with us and we had a blast. I can remember my Aunt taking me down to the stage and putting me on her shoulders in an attempt to catch one of the famous Elvis scarves. (He would throw the scarves off the stage as he used them and your primary goal was to get.a.scarf.) I wish I could find the pictures we took before we left the house. My Father always jokes that an Elvis concert was "the best place to see beautiful women". All the ladies would dres...