Are You Feeling The Burn?

Happy Monday, Shopaholics! I hope you all had a safe and happy 4th of July weekend! We've had company down at the beach, and have spent a lot of time at the pool, the beach, the BBQ grill - and eating. Oh my goodness, I'm going to need a detox later this week!

Yesterday I spent the day at the beach with BFF Ashleigh and it was fantastic! There wasn't too much oil out there, which is supposed to change today, but we enjoyed it while we could. Of course we didn't get in the water...but I can live with that. I have really, really missed going to the beach with this oil spill business.

As luck would have it, I managed to get a LOT of sun. Let's face it - that was my goal! Last night after showering my skin felt just a teeny tiny bit sunburned. Enter my "secret weapon" from Clinique - After Sun Rescue Balm with Aloe.

I have used this stuff for years, and you can't beat it! It takes the heat out of my skin overnight, and helps to prevent (or minimize) peeling. You can use it on the body or the face, but I only use it on my body. Apply the lotion immediately after a shower, and you will be amazed.

Now don't get me wrong - if your skin is fried, you are probably going to peel. But, if you're just a little pink, take two aspirin and use this. Tell me how good you feel tomorrow. :-)

Have a Marvelous Monday!

p.s. You can find this at or at any local Clinique counter. Of course Clinique didn't pay me to mention this product, but it's just too good NOT to share with y'all.


  1. Thanks for the tip! I still use the old school aloe but I bet this is a much less-sticky alternative!! Glad you enjoyed the beach and the holiday!

    Come by my blog today. I am hosting a monogram jewelry giveaway!

  2. Thanks for the tip!

    P.S. I'm not sure if you have a Belk near you, but they just put a lot of Lilly on sale. I went yesterday, and they were marking items 40% off, left and right. I grabbed up two dresses and a pair of shorts. The shorts were only $33! What a steal!

  3. Thanks for the advice! I usually use aloe also. Will give it a try.

    Hope your 4th was terrific!


  4. I left a little something for you over at my place! xo

  5. Oh I need to try that! I always end up with alligator skin. You always have the best beauty recommendations. xoxo


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