Party in Margaritaville

Happy Tuesday, everyone! Hope your week is lovely so far!

We had a two day party around here, for the Jimmy Buffett concert on Sunday. My BFF Ashleigh, my sister and her husband all arrived on Saturday. We went out for mexican food and then came home with the intention of settling in and resting up for the concert on Sunday. However, we heard from a friend that Kid Rock was performing down the road at the Flora-Bama and then all bets were off. :-)  For those of you who have never visited this area, Flora-Bama is a huge bar on the AL-FL state line and is about 12 miles from where we live.

Who do I love as much as Jimmy Buffett? Ummm....Kid Rock! Of course it was just a RUMOR - he wasn't there. :-( Sad. We stayed out wayyyyy too late and had a few too many adult beverages, and were already hurting a little when we woke up on Sunday. So we made our way down to the Jimmy Buffett concert, hours early, to tailgate and hang out. We had SUCH a blast - I was so tired on Monday that I could barely get going. Apparently I forgot I'm 39, not 21. Oopsie.

Sunday was a glorious day in Gulf Shores, AL. There was no oil on the beaches. The water was blue, and the sand was sugar-white. It was hot and the sun was shining bright. It really was a Chamber of Commerce type day. To top it off, The Buffett Concert was unbelievable. Jimmy performed so many favorite songs, such as "Margaritaville" where he said it was "BP's fault".  (I love Jimmy). However, when he performed "When the Coast is Clear" with special Gulf Coast lyrics, I'm not sure there was a dry eye on the beach. See it for yourself - from the website:

Today I'm back to reality. Party over. Detox Day One began at midnight. Wish me luck. :)

Have a Terrific Tuesday, and thanks for all your sweet comments. I wish you ALL could have been here for the big party!

p.s. Is my husband not the nicest guy? He had to work during all this madness and couldn't attend the concert, but told me to "go have fun". I have to be the luckiest girl in the world.


  1. How funny that you love Kid Rock! I love him too and I'm always the preppiest girl at his concerts! We saw him in Orange Beach at the Wharf a couple of years ago-great show! Glad you had fun at JB!

  2. So glad that you had a blast!! Kid Rock is fun, too! xoxo

  3. What a fun weekend! Glad you had such a great time! :)

  4. Saw the concert on CMT and that song was a tear-jerker for sure. Looked like so much fun and sounds like it was even better than imagined!! Yay for you. {and Mr. Shopaholic} xoxo

  5. Glad you had such a great time!!!


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