MCC Designs - Day Two of Shopaholic Birthday Giveaway Days!

Happy Thursday, Shopaholic friends!

Welcome to Day Two of Shopaholic Birthday Giveaway Days! I'm hosting these in honor of my 40th birthday coming on August's a fun way to stop thinking about getting older, and profile some of my favorite designers, websites, stores and brands! HA

Thanks so much to one of my favorite designers of all things correspondence - MCC Designs - for sponsoring our 2nd giveaway!  The Etsy shop specializies in stationery, note pads, tags and much more (link HERE).  Of course it doesn't hurt that most everything Melissa designs is either preppy, pink or green - which makes it all totally adorable!

This Shopaholic is a huge fan of MCC designs. I have personalized flat note cards, and one of the famous flip flop note pads sitting on my dresser. Next on my "wish list" are the personalized wine and gift tags.

For today's giveaway, MCC Designs is generously offering one set of square calling cards, and one set of note pads (1-5.5 x 5.5 and 1-3 x 5.5). See the photos below. Of course these will personalized for the lucky giveaway winner! One Shopaholic reader is going to be very happy! :-)

In addition to providing us with a fun and generous giveaway, MCC Designs is also offering a "Shopaholic Special" to all readers! For the next seven (7) days, a 15% discount will apply to any purchase from their Etsy shop (link HERE).

Wondering how to take advantage of the discount? Glad you asked! :-)

Make your purchase on Etsy, and pay as normal. Then message MCC Designs with the code "Giveaway Days" which indicates you are a Shopaholic reader, and Melissa will refund the 15% discount back to you through Paypal.

What a great time to stock up on all your correspondence needs! Just think, most folks are getting ready for Back To School. That means teacher gifts are coming soon, and there will be birthday parties to prepare for and lots of thank you notes to be written! The 15% discount will help you be prepared for those moments!

A few of my favorites from MCC Designs Etsy shop include:

Personalized Wine Tags, $1 each. (listing HERE)

Personalized Scalloped Stickers with Fancy Monogram, $4.75/set. (listing HERE)

Personalized Stationery Set with Circle Scalloped Monogram, $14. (listing HERE).

There are so many wonderful things to choose from! If you're like me, you'd take one of everything! :-)

Now for the fun part! How to enter to win the note pads and calling cards:

1) Sign up to follow Shopaholic In Alabama blog (or comment that you already do) for ONE entry.

2) "Like" Shopaholic In Alabama on Facebook for ONE entry.

3) Follow Shopaholic In Alabama on Twitter (@shopaholicinal) for ONE entry.

4) Comment with your favorite item from MCC Design's Etsy site for ONE entry. (MUST DO TO QUALIFY FOR THE GIVEAWAY)

5) "Like" MCC Designs on Facebook for ONE entry.

6) "Share" this giveaway on Facebook or Twitter using the button on the right side of this blog for ONE or TWO additional entries. Or blog about it for TWO additional entries.

Please comment letting me know how many entries you have. Additionally, be sure to provide me with the link to your Facebook, Twitter or blog post so I can verify. Thanks! :-)

The giveaway period will end on Wednesday, August 4. After a random drawing, the winner will be announced (on Facebook first, then on the blog) on Thursday, August 5.

Good luck to everyone - don't forget to enter - and tune in tomorrow for another fun giveaway!

Have a wonderful day!

 XOXO, Lori


  1. I am a follower! What a great giveaway!

  2. OMG, I love Melis! ok what do I have to do?
    Ok I ama follower already

  3. I'm a follower. I "like" you and MCC on facebook. Three entries for me. Another great giveaway! :)

  4. I follow your blog thanks for another amazing giveaway!

  5. I am a fan or "like" Shopaholic on Facebook!

  6. I follow shopaholic on twitter, like yesterday my twitter name is KimberlyLParker

  7. I am really big into baking so my favorite item from the etsy shop are the personalized cupcake toppers.

  8. I follow you on twitter (I'm @scbrown929).

  9. Hard to decide between the cupcake label or the the book labels! But I think I'd probably use note cards or note pads the most. Its all so cute though!

  10. I am a follower for sure.
    How wonderful.

  11. Happy Birthday!! Another great giveaway!
    1. I follow your blog
    2. I like you on Facebook
    3. I like MCC on Facebook
    4. One of my favorite MCC designs is the wine tag- great idea for hostess gifts or thank you
    5. I follow you on Twitter (katieloucrowder)
    5 entries : )

  12. I would be a very happy girl if I won this fabulous giveaway. I'm a follower. My favorite item on MCC Design's website is the Personalized Note Pad with the Monogram Circle. I just posted about this giveaway on my blog.

    Yeah, that gives me four entries!!!!

  13. I am a follower of your blog and I follow you on Twitter! 2 entries! (@MissFLBelle)

  14. You know I follow you on everything!! My fav MCC design is the flip flop note pad.. great minds think alike. also twitted this blog post for you! Love ya, this is not fair I will hit the big 40 next week before you!!

  15. I would love to win! I follow your blog and follow you on twitter (@sbk10). I absolutely love the wine tags in the MCC shop. Such a cute giveaway! Thanks!

  16. Great Giveaway! 3 entries for me please:

    I am a follower

    I follow you on Twitter (@AMStarkey)

    It is so hard to choose my fav item in MCC's Etsy store. Right now I am really loving the Monogrammed Square Gift Tags. So cute and sophisticated at the same time!

  17. I love this store. I bought note cards and gift tags a few months ago!
    I'm a follower and "like" on FB

  18. I just became a blog follower! yay!

  19. I LOVE the square calling cards

  20. I am a follower and I love the cupcake toppers.

  21. love love love the navy + blue bookplates + the cupcake toppers(among many other goodies)
    am a FB fan of S in A and MCG designs and am also a S in A follower

  22. 1) I am a follower
    2) I "Like" Shopaholic In Alabama on Facebook
    3) I Follow Shopaholic In Alabama on Twitter (@krystals)
    4) I love the Personalized Note Pad - 5.5x5.5 Little Green Owl!!
    5) I "Like" MCC Designs on Facebook
    6) tweeted :

  23. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the personalized note pad with the monogrammed circle~thank you!

  24. Hi there, LOVE MCC designs! You're getting all my favorites for your giveaway days. I love the personalized scalloped stickers from the etsy shop, too cute. I'm good for 6. I'm off to blog about it now. Thanks much!

  25. I am SO in need of new stationary.
    1. follow through google reader
    2. like on facebook
    3. follow on twitter
    4. LOVE the square calling cards with the dot border-must have!

  26. I "like" shopaholic in alabama on facebook :)

    srobinson8561 at

  27. I love the luggage tags!

    srobinson8561 at

  28. I blogged about your giveaway here:

  29. I "like" shopaholic on FB

  30. I'm a follower!
    I'm a fan on FB!
    My fav item are the luggage tags!
    I'm a fan of MCC on FB!
    I blogged about this!

  31. I'm a new follower!
    And I follow you on twitter!

    I loveee the personalized stationary, so cute!

  32. Happy Birthday again!
    1 - I am a follower
    2 - I like you on facebook
    3 - My favorites are the script monogram notepads and the scalloped stickers. Can't pick just one!
    4 - I like MCC on facebook

    4 for me! Thanks!

  33. I am a follower.
    I love the monogrammed notepads
    I follow on twitter (just_add_walter)

  34. 1) I follow Shopaholic In Alabama blog
    2) I "Like" Shopaholic In Alabama on Facebook
    3)I Follow Shopaholic In Alabama on Twitter (JaimeHuffman)
    4) My fav item is the Personalized Stationery Set - Fancy Script Monogram
    5) I "Like" MCC Designs on Facebook

  35. oooh so fun! i'm loving loving the wine tags with the black boarder. beautiful! i'm a follower too.

  36. Fab Giveaway!!! Love you and Melissa...Followers of both of your blogs, follow you both on Twitter, and friend of you both on FB! Oh Lord, what have I left out??? I will tweet about this tomorrow when the world is awake:) I really love Melissa's sticker and gift tags!

  37. I keep saying I need to get some calling cards. Thank you!

  38. I love the gift enclosure cards! Count me in for 7 entries! (I'll tag you in my posts!) xxoo

  39. I am a follower & I love the flat card stationary.

  40. I'm a follower and I love the monogram crown gift tags!

  41. What an awesome giveaway!!

    1) I'm following ya!
    2) I like ya on FB!
    3) I follow you on Twitter!
    4) I adore -- what a great way to personalize!!
    5) I've liked her on FB
    6) I'm following her on Twitter!
    7) I tweeted

    So that's 7 entries!


  42. 1) New follower!!

    2) Liking you on FB!

    3) Following on Twitter!

    4) My favorite item would have to be the notecard set! Great for teaching!

    5) Liking MCC Designs

    6) Sharing on my blog!!

  43. 4 entries for me!! Great giveaway!

    I follow you and like you on facebook!
    I like MCC on facebook! (
    My favorite thing in her shop are the scalloped circle monogram 5x7 notecards!! So cute! :)

  44. 1. Already follow your blog!
    2. Already like you on facebook!
    3. Already follow you on twitter!
    4. My favorite is the personalized book stickers-what a great way to encourage borrowers to return books!
    5. Liked MCC Designs on facebook!

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  45. Follower on Facebook, Twitter, and the blog, and love those scalloped monogram stickers!

  46. (1) Already follow SIA
    (2) Already like SIA on fb
    (3) Already follow SIA on twitter
    (4) LOVE the luggage tags!
    (5) Like MCC on fb

  47. love this! 4 entries!
    1) follow shopaholic
    2) like shopaholic on facebook
    4) love the personalized cupcake toppers (adorable for parties!)
    5) like mcc designs on facebook

  48. 1-5 here too (I was already liking all these fab preppy people!) I love the things you posted because, well it's all pink and green, but I'm also loving the wine tags! Wine is my go-to for gifts and hostess gifts, but wine bags can be cheap if bought just at Publix or expensive if you go designer. The wine tags just have a little personalized something without going over the top! Love them (I'm going to go use my discount, actuallY!) :-)

  49. 1) i am a follower

    2) i follow you on twitter @buckeyebritt24

    3) I really like any of the personal notepads. They would be great for my classroom!

  50. 1) I'm a follower!

    2) Follow you on twitter!

    3) Any of the personalized notecards are just precious!

  51. I have that flip flop notepad posted above.. I love it!!

  52. These are great ways to personalized. Wines and spirits now can be personalized too! You can choose from a wide range of labels.


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