Shopaholic Birthday Giveaway Days - Featuring Caroline Grace Jewelry!

Happy Wednesday, Shopaholic friends!

Welcome to Day One of Shopaholic Birthday Giveaway Days! I'm hosting these in honor of my 40th birthday coming on August's a fun way to stop thinking about getting older, and profile some of my favorite designers, websites, stores and brands! HA

Thanks so much to one of my favorite friends and Twitter pals Caroline Grace Jewelry for sponsoring the first giveaway! As you all know, I'm a big fan of Caroline Grace's baubles and wear something from her jewelry line almost every day. This spring and summer the DH was quite tolerant while I built my collection. I have a feeling EVERYONE will want to win this pretty! :-)

The Pink Starfish Leather Cuff ($132 retail) is absolutely gorgeous, and one lucky reader will win this beauty! (listing on Etsy HERE). The cuff is approx. 2" wide and has a beautiful silvertone jeweled starfish embellishment. The cuffs are something special, you can trust me on this as I own three of them already! :-)

In addition to providing us with such a beautiful and generous giveaway, Caroline Grace is also offering a "Shopaholic Special" to all readers! From now until the giveaway days end (which will be at least 10 days), the following discount levels will apply to any purchase from the Etsy shop:

10% off orders under $50
20% off orders over $50

There are two ways you can take advantage of this discount:

1) Make your purchase on Etsy, and pay as normal. Then message Caroline Grace that you are a Shopaholic reader, and she will refund the appropriate discount level (10 or 20%) back to you through Paypal.
2) Make your purchase on Etsy, then message Caroline Grace, telling her you are a Shopaholic reader, and ask for an adjusted invoice. Then she will provide you with the updated amount and you can remit payment.

If you've always wanted to try a piece of her jewelry - this is a great time with the Shopaholic discount! You will be thrilled with the quality of CGJ. Every time I wear one of my pieces, I get compliments from friends and strangers alike. 

Here are a few of my suggestions. Who doesn't need a pair (or two, maybe three) of the Flora Chandelier earrings. These are available in a rainbow of colors in the Etsy shop:

The Queen Bee cuff is TDF!

I'm dying for this Ginny bracelet in Sterling Silver with Colorful Freshwater Pearls - wouldn't this match everything in our closets? (Etsy listing HERE).

Now for the fun part! How to enter to win the starfish cuff bracelet:

1) Sign up to follow Shopaholic In Alabama blog (or comment that you already do) for ONE entry.
2) "Like" Shopaholic In Alabama on Facebook for ONE entry.
3) Follow Shopaholic In Alabama on Twitter (@shopaholicinal) for ONE entry.
4) Comment with your favorite item from Caroline Grace Jewelry's Etsy site for ONE entry. (MUST DO TO QUALIFY FOR THE GIVEAWAY)
5) "Like" Caroline Grace Jewelry on Facebook for ONE entry.
6) Follow Caroline Grace Jewelry on Twitter (@xoCarolineGrace) for ONE entry.
7) "Share" this giveaway on Facebook or Twitter using the button on the right side of this blog for ONE or TWO additional entries.

Please comment letting me know how many entries you have. Additionally, be sure to provide me with the link to your Facebook or Twitter post so I can verify. Thanks! :-)

The giveaway period will end on Tuesday, August 3. After a random drawing, the winner will be announced (on Facebook first, then on the blog) on Wednesday, August 4.

Good luck to everyone - don't forget to enter - and tune in tomorrow for another fun giveaway!

Have a wonderful day!

p.s. Today is also our favorite jewelry designer's Birthday - be sure to wish her a Happy Birthday! *Leos United Forevah*


  1. Too fun!! I love Caroline Grace! My favorite has always been the sea horse cuff bracelet,
    I'm off to post on fb. I'm a follower here and fan both your pages : )
    Think that puts me down for five : )
    Thanks Lucy and Lori!!

  2. This is awesome; Caroline Grace and I chat via Twitter and she's such a classy lady! My favorite is the "What's Your Sign" Jeweled Leather Cuff -it'd go perfect with my Lilly "Not So Crabby" skirt. I'm a blog follower of Shopaholic and a fan of both Shopaholic and Caroline Grace on Twitter and Facebook. You can verify my Twitter update here:, and my facebook update here:!/Liebertas (I'm not sure if my privacy settings will allow it to be seen by all, but you can friend me to check). So, please sign me up for all 8 entries!

  3. I'm too obsessed with the pink starfish leather cuff! I follow your lovely blog, follow you on twitter, am a fan of your facebook page, follow Caroline Grace Jewelry on twitter, am a fan of her page on facebook, and have shared this giveaway on both twitter and facebook, which puts me at 8 entries! My fb is!/ashleyarbgast and my twitter is

    Thanks so much for the great giveaway!

  4. I love the Patsy Necklace~

  5. I follow Caroline Grace on Twitter~

    By the way, Happy Birthday!

  6. I am your FB friend~

  7. I follow you on twitter~ polkadotteacher

  8. Love all her cuffs - but really love the Green Seahorse Jewel cuff (and obviously the one you are featuring in your giveaway because who doesn't love all things pink!?)

    Follow you on twitter and now follow Caroline Grace Jewelry on twitter!

    3 entries!

  9. What a great giveaway! I only get to pick one favorite item, though? Well, let's see, that would be the lavendar ladybug cuff, too bad I don't wear enough purple. I also love the custom cuff she made for Mom's wedding. I follow the both of you everywhere and will both tweet and facebook this great giveaway, 7 enteries please ma'am. XOXO

  10. I've got all 7 entries!
    I thought I loved the starfish cuff the most until I saw the Queen Bee! Oh please pick me. I've wanted that cuff all summer but just couldn't fit it into my budget. I'm @LuluDaisy on Twitter. GREAT giveaway and Happy Birthday!! 40 is fabulous!

  11. 4 Entries for me. I'm so excited you're giving away the Caroline Grace cuff. And what a pretty one it is! I follow you. I "like" both you and Caroline Grace on facebook. My favorite item would have to be the Flora Chandelier earrings. I've got pink ones on their way, and I'm hoping to add some more colors to my collection... :) Thanks again!

    Oh, and I saw it on E! News last night...40 is the new 30. :)

  12. 1. I follow your blog!
    2. I like you on Facebook!
    4. My fave item is the seahorse cuff, and of course my custom listing I'm about to buy in 2 seconds! :)
    5. I like Caroline Grace on Facebook.

    Happy Birthday Lucy! (and Happy Early Birthday to the Shopaholic too!).

  13. I follow your blog!

  14. I like Shopaholic on Facebook!

  15. I follow you on twitter, my twitter name is KimberlyLParker.

  16. My favorite item from the etsy shop is the Daisy Drop Earrings - Delicious Dangles in Sterling Silver with lilac Swarovski Crystals. Super cute and adorable and so affordable.

  17. OMG, I would love, love to win this cuff!!!
    First off, I absolutely love the Flora earrings but I have short hair. I thought the Julia neckalce was my favorite, until I saw the Miranda! Now I'm not sure which, but i love them both.
    So far I have 6 entries as I do not know how to do the button dealy, haha.


  18. I love love the Pink Palm Tree Leather Cuff Bracelet.

  19. I follow your blog with GFC.

  20. I follow you on twitter! I'm @scbrown929.

  21. What a fabulous giveaway! I LOVE the Queen Been cuff!! I'm in for 4 entries so far as I've commented, follow both of you on Twitter, and just tweeted the giveaway.


  22. I was going to say the Flora earrings in red were my favorite until I saw the Suzanne necklace. How can I not choose a gorgeous necklace called my name?! I do love the starfish cuff too!

  23. Already a follower of Caroline Grace of twitter.

  24. Ginny bracelet is by far my fave. What a classic beauty that fit almost any outfit:) I follow on Facebook both you and Caroline Grace.

  25. happy almost b'day!
    1. Am a S in A follower
    2/3. "like" you on FB and caroline grace too
    4. love the monogrammed bangle and really love the blue tropical fish cuff!

  26. Hi Lori!
    1. I am already a follower of your blog
    2, I follow you on facebook
    3, I just became a follower of CG on facebook.
    4, I LOVE the turquoise and coral cuff.
    5, Iam a Leo too my birthday is Aug 9.
    6, Planning a trip to look at colleges in Alabama in 10 days..... Can't wait to see your beautiful state.
    7, Daughter is loving your dress that we purchased from Re-Lilly.
    Please put me down for 3 entries!
    Ann Marie

  27. SO lovely! Just bought a pair of Il Sandalo Starfish Toe Ring sandals that would go PERFECTLY with this bangle!

    Fingers crossed!


  28. Happy almost birthday Lori! I'm so excited to kick off giveaway days! xxoo

  29. I am a follower!
    I like you on facebook! (under my real name!)
    I LOVE the Brenda necklace! It is gorgeous!
    That's three entries for me!

  30. 1) I'm a follower
    2) Following you on Twitter! @charlestonmegan
    3) Love the Allyson earrings!!
    4) Following Caroline Grace on Twitter!
    5) I tweeted about the giveaway

    Beautiful cuff! Crossing my fingers & toes :)

  31. Oh la la! Many thanks to the both of you for hosting such a great giveaway. And a big happy birthday to you!!! Count me in! I am a follower, I like you and Caroline on FB, and I follow you both on twitter. My most favorite item in Caroline's Etsy shop is "Angela Earrings." I would wear them all the time. Of course I am drooling over the cuff too. I have my fingers crossed and I hope I win!!! Cheers and many thanks! Xoxo-BLC

    PS: That means I have SIX (6) entries!!! Woohoo.

  32. Love birthdays, especially this one. Fellow 1970 girl! I am a follower here and on Twitter, have to check on FB! I love the cuff!

  33. I love both the lobster and lilac star cuff bracelets. So pretty and unexpected.
    Also thank you for the free shipping code for LifeGuard Press. I just order my new Lilly pocket agenda.

  34. I am new to all this and just signed up to follow your blog. It's all very foreign to me and it took me too long just to figure out how to make a comment! My dog could of probably learned faster. I like Caroline Grace's Belle Earrings in Sterling Silver with Swarovski Crystal Cubes. Hope that gives me one entry for that gorgeous cuff.

  35. Ok, I think I am swinging myself 8 entries. Love the Ginny and Malen bracelets, and that pink starfish cuff!! Tweeting and Facebooking this, and I follow you and Caroline Grace in every place possible ;-) And Happy almost your Birthday lady!!

  36. Hi Lori! Happy Birthday! LOVE your blog! Where else but here can I talk about my love of Lilly Pulitzer, Jimmy Buffett, and the Gulf Coast lifestyle?!
    1. I follow your blog!
    2. Follow your Facebook!
    3. My favorite item of Caroline Grace is the Seahorse queen and baby!
    4. I am friends with Caroline Grace on Facebook
    5. I follow you on twitter
    6. I follow Caroline Grace on twitter
    7. I posted about your blog info on my Facebook wall

    7 entries!! Woot Woot!!

  37. 1. Here's the link to my tweet:
    2. I follow you on twitter
    3. I am a fan on facebook
    4. I follow Caroline Grace on Twitter
    5. I am a Caroline Grace fan on Facebook
    6. I follow the Shopaholic blog
    7. The Brenda Necklace and Caroline Necklace are STILL my favorites

  38. 1) I follow Shopaholic In Alabama blog
    2) I "Like" Shopaholic In Alabama on Facebook [Krystal S.]
    3) I Follow Shopaholic In Alabama on Twitter (@Krystals)
    4) Grace Bracelet
    5) I "Like" Caroline Grace Jewelry on Facebook [krystal s.]
    6) I Follow Caroline Grace Jewelry on Twitter (@krystals)
    7) Tweeted

  39. OOh what a fab giveaway & way to celebrate your b-day!
    1) I am already a blog follower
    2) I already follow shopaholic in al on Twitter (@jdeeterwell)
    3) The Queen Bee Cuff would obviously be my fave!!
    4) I already like Caroline Grace on Fbook
    5) I already follow xoCarolinegrace on twitter
    6) I tweeted!!

  40. 1-I follow your blog
    2-I follow you on facebook
    3-don't think I can pick a favorite, but I do love the 'Script monogram necklace' and the Ginny bracelet.
    4-I like Caroline Grace jewelry on facebook

    4 for me! Happy Pre-Birthday Partay!

  41. What a wonderful and fab giveaway! I am in fir four, L! xoxo

  42. 1) I follow your blog!
    2) I like you on facebook!
    3) my favorite item is the Turquoise and Indigo Jeweled Leather Cuff Bracelet!

    srobinson8561 at

  43. "Like" Shopaholic In Alabama on Facebook name doki doki co :)

    email me :)

    thankies for helding this sweet giveaway

  44. hi, my faviest item there is Flora Chandelier Earrings in Sterling Silver and Pink Tourmaline Lucite Filigree

    email me :)

    thankies for helding this giveaway

  45. 1. my favorite is the flora earrings in every color :)
    2. I am a follower :)
    3. I follow you on facebook :)
    4. I "like" CG on FB :)
    5. I follow you on twitter :)
    6. I follow CG on twitter :)
    7. I tweeted about the giveaway :)

  46. new follower here! (woo hoo! :)
    also following you and CG on twitter, I RT-ed your giveaway (@paige_harrison), and my favorite CG piece is the Eliza monogrammed necklace...although, it is SO hard to choose!

    what a fabulous giveaway!

  47. I love your blog,am a follower. I like you and caroline grace ob facebook! Her cuffs are beautiful. Have a great birthday celebration! Thanks for the giveaway opportunities!

  48. Such a cute cuff. I would love to win this. I'm a follower.

    Happy Birthday!!!!

  49. You know I LOVE Caroline Grace ... and my very favorite piece is the cuff in this giveaway!!

    All 7 steps for me, Please!!
    Thanks so much, Lori ... love your fabulous and generous giveaways!

  50. Hey girls I hope you both are doing well. I follow you both on twitter and read both blogs! I love Caroline's Jewerly and that is my wish list. I saw her cuffs being worn at KOP and fell in LOVE with them. That is when I knew I had to start saving... If I won on here OMG that would make my year. If my mom were still living she would buy her out. LOL Bless her. Anyway... I hope your grandmother is doing better. Goodluck with your wish list!!!!

    I guess this is my one entry since I already follow you all on fb and twitter. haha so I really want the tourq seahorse!

  51. I love the flora earrings in lavender! Well really I love all the colors. The cuffs are tdf!
    I follow cgj on twitter, sia on twitter now and I have retweeted your giveaway! I also follow your blog now on google reader! So that gives me 5 entries!!

  52. Here is my tweet link:

  53. 2. I follow both on twitter
    3. I follow both on FB
    4. I share on twitter
    5. I also blogged on my blog

  54. Oh I know everyone says this, but PLEASE PICK ME!!!! My 30th BIRTHDAY is on September 8th and favorite color is pink- a CG Cuff would make 30 SOOOOOO much more fabulous. And, hello my name is Caroline (Carrie for short) it was meant to be (I hope!!!!)
    I follow your blog
    I follow you on FB (
    I follow CG on Facebook
    My fave CG piece- I really can't decide, I LOVE cuffs, and anything pink,though the bee is totally cute as well. My absolute fave would be the ginny though.
    I am also going to share this on FB, though it will kill me and me almost 30 soul to have a friend win it who heard about it from me :-) Please pick me I have a family photo coming up where I am wearing a pink lilly with white polka dots (and white McKims)and this cuff would look adorable with the outfit!!!

  55. Oh I adore Caroline Grace!!
    1) I'm a follower!
    2) I Like you on FB!
    3) Fave Caroline Grace item is the seahorse cuff!
    4) I like Caroline Grace on FB!

  56. I'm a follower!
    I like you on FB!
    My fav item are the pink chandelier earrings!
    I like CG on FB!
    I blogged about this!
    So 6 entries!

  57. I'm a follower of this blog and your twitter :)

    I adore the bee bracelet!

  58. Love that bee cuff too! following you here and on Twitter.


  59. 1) am a follower of SIA
    2) "Like" Shopaholic In Alabama on Facebook (amy dalton walter)
    3) Follow Shopaholic In Alabama on Twitter (just_add_walter)
    4) favorite CG item - seahorse cuff
    5) "Like" Caroline Grace Jewelry on Facebook (amy dalton walter)
    6) Follow Caroline Grace Jewelry on Twitter (just_add_walter)

  60. 1) I follow you on here!
    2) I "Like" Shopaholic In Alabama on Facebook
    3) I Follow Shopaholic In Alabama on Twitter
    4) I kind of like the green seahorse cuff
    5) I Follow Caroline Grace Jewelry on Twitter

    That's +5 entries for me please :)

  61. 1) I follow Shopaholic In Alabama blog
    2) I "Like" Shopaholic In Alabama on Facebook
    3) I follow Shopaholic In Alabama on Twitter
    4) My favorite item is the turquoise and coral cuff but I am pretty obsessed with all of her items! And I love the Flora earrings!
    5) I "Like" Caroline Grace Jewelry on Facebook (Jaime HUffman)
    6) I follow Caroline Grace Jewelry on Twitter

    Thanks so much! Happy early birthday!

  62. Your blog is so addicting! I follow your blog, I already "like" Shopaholic in Alabama on FB, I "like" Caroline Grace jewelry (and how can you not!, my faves are the seahorse and shrimp cuffs - to die for! That's 4 entries! My life has gotten even better after 40 and so will yours!

  63. 5 entries for me! I like Shopaholic - like Caroline grace - my favorite are the chandalier earrings (i'm addicted to them!)- i follow her on twitter and i commented on what I like on ETSY. I am hoping i win!!

  64. OHHH LOVE THIS!!!!
    7 entries please-

    1. I follow your blog
    2. I LIKE you on FB
    3. I follow you on twitter
    4. My fav thing on her Etsy has to be the What's Your Sign Jeweled Leather Cuff Bracelet-- with crab!!
    5. I follow CG on twitter
    6. I "shared" the tweet
    7. I LIKE CG on FB

  65. I love the Queen bee and the Turqoise and indigo leather cuffs and I'm a follower of you!

  66. What an awesome giveaway!!

    1) I'm following ya!
    2) I like ya on FB!
    3) I follow you on Twitter!
    4 I can't believe you're asking me to like just one thing! It's a toss up though, between the Queen Bee cuff and the Flamingo one!
    5) I already like her on FB
    6) I'm following her on Twitter!
    7) Shared on FB AND on Twitter!

    So that's 8 entries!


  67. 1) Already follow your blog!
    2) Already a facebook fan! (currently deactivated for rush though!)
    3) Already follow you on twitter!
    4) My favorite is the Kimberly earring in the hot pink color!
    5) Already liked Caroline Grace Jewelry on facebook!
    6) Following Caroline Grace Jewelry on Twitter!

  68. 4 entries here!
    I follow the blog, follow you on Twitter, LOVE the Tropical Fish cuffs, and like you on Facebook!

  69. I'm a new follower of your blog!
    my fave is the tropical fish green leather cuff!

    So thats two entries!

    mrunamistry at gmail dot com

  70. (1) I follow your blog
    (2) I've liked you on FB
    (3) I follow you on twitter (Kikikins008)
    (4) I absolutely love the pink flamingo cuff!!!
    (5) I've liked Caroline Grace Jewelry on FB
    (6) I follow Caroline Grace Jewelry on FB

  71. *(6) I follow Caroline Grace Jewelry on Twitter (sorry for the typo)

  72. adorable! 4 entries!
    1) follow shopaholic
    2) like shopaholic on facebook
    4) love the flora chandelier earrings (so versatile!)
    5) like caroline grace on facebook

  73. My favorite piece is the jeweled lobster cuff, it is so beautiful and so preppy, I adore it. Of course I am a follower. Unfortunately just two entries for me because I deleted my facebook a couple of weeks ago for a little "cleanse". Best luck everyone!

  74. 1-6 covered here. Not only do I LOVE her jewelry, I love Caroline as a person! She is just too, too sweet for words! The pink starfish cuff is my favorite. I've been adoring it forEVER!!! xoxo

  75. Oh, I just LOVE Caroline Grace! Her items are so fun and cute. I especially love the cuffs, my favorite being What's Your Sign (the jeweled crab!). I also adore the pink fluer de lis cuff as well. So many to choose from!
    I think I get five entries- hooray! Fingers crossed and I hope I win!!

  76. Really cute stuff! My favorite item is Flora Chandelier Earrings in Sterling Silver and Ruby Red Lucite Filigree. I love the color and how unique it is, it is fun but classy! I hearted this item and Caroline Grace Jewelry on etsy as luckysluna.


  77. 1) I am a follower

    2) Follow Shopaholic In Alabama on Twitter I am a follower @buckeyebritt24

    3) I love her chandelier earrings!

    4) I "like" Caroline on FB

    5) I follow Caroline on Twitter

  78. Ooooh, pick me! Pick me! ;-)

    1) I already follow Shopaholic In Alabama's blog
    2) I already "Like" Shopaholic In Alabama on Facebook
    3) I already follow Shopaholic In Alabama on Twitter (@shopaholicinal)
    4) My absolute favorite Caroline Grace piece is the Pink and Gold Seahorse Jeweled Leather Cuff Bracelet-although this cuff is a close second!
    5) I already "Like" Caroline Grace Jewelry on Facebook
    6) I already follow Caroline Grace Jewelry on Twitter
    7)I shared this giveaway on Facebook
    8) I shared this giveaway on Twitter

  79. 1) Sign up to follow Shopaholic In Alabama blog (or comment that you already do) for ONE entry.
    2) "Like" Shopaholic In Alabama on Facebook for ONE entry.
    3) Follow Shopaholic In Alabama on Twitter (@shopaholicinal) for ONE entry.
    4) Comment with your favorite item from Caroline Grace Jewelry's Etsy site for ONE entry. My favorite piece is the flamingo cuff. My school is the "beech" and it would be so perfect. BUT the star fish would too!!!
    5) I already "Like" Caroline Grace Jewelry on Facebook for ONE entry.
    6) I am Tucker2J on Twitter and Follow Caroline Grace Jewelry on Twitter for ONE entry.
    7)I "Shared" this giveaway on Facebook AND Twitter using the button on the right side of this blog for TWO additional entries.

    That makes 8 total entries~I have so been saving for this jewelry. I pray that I win. This would be such a blessing. It would be my everyday piece for my school uniform!!!

  80. Love the pink flamingo cuff! Too cute :) Blog and twitter follower @MeredithRae

    thanks for the opportunity! Meredith dot Targarona at Gmail dot com


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