Lilly Pulitzer for Barnes & Noble!

Good morning Shopaholics! Hope everyone is doing great today! We're having a rainy day here, which makes me want to crawl back into bed! :-)

Have you seen the new totes designed by Lilly Pulitzer, exclusively for Barnes & Noble? They are available in Barnes & Noble retail locations, and online at To my knowledge, no other retailers are carrying this bag. Bags are priced at $69.99, and come in two prints.

Secret Garden

Buena Vista

Which is your favorite? While I love love love pink and green designs, I am always partial to a seashell print...

Good news - these ship FREE (you always receive free shipping with a $25 minimum purchase online a B&N). AND - right now you can save 20% on your total purchase, just use the coupon code below:


Let me know if you cave. I just bought the Buena Vista. Oh yeah, B&N accepts Paypal - that gets me every.single.time. :-)

Have a Fab Friday!


  1. These are so cute! Thanks for sharing! Since I just caved and ordered the gold Tory Burch's that I featured on my blog today, I may have to wait on ordering this bag. Perfect for the beach though - with the plastic bag for the inside and all. Rainy day at the beach here today too. Hoping it will clear up by this afternoon, it's supposed to!

  2. Ahhhh! I so wish you didn't tell me that! I have a nook, and have been eyeing these up. Good thing I'm leaving for vaca, maybe that will prevent me from spending!

  3. Your blog is hazardous to my wallet :) When I first saw this on fb, I thought you were going to say they were making e-reader covers but am off to purchase the pink and green tote.

  4. I saw those in the store and want at least one. When I got that 20% off coupon in my inbox, it was like "danger Will Robinson." Then I remembered I get an additional 10% off for being a member...

  5. Between the 10% and 20% and free shipping!!! Got one heck of a deal...just purchased the pink and green garden tote! Love it!!! Thanks for the tip.

  6. Love these!!! Very very cute!

  7. How can one decide when they are both so cute? I might have to grab one of those.

  8. Oh my goodness free shipping, 20% off, and not even having to pull out my wallet by using Paypal...this could be dangerous! Those totes are adorable! I'm usually more of a pink and green girl, but I'm kind of loving the Buena Vista!

  9. So cute!! Thanks for letting us know!

  10. Adorable, thanks for the head's up!

  11. Sooo cute, I saw them earlier when I was looking at Lilly stationery products on B&N's website. But now it'll take every ounce of inner strength not to buy one!

  12. Love Buena Vista too! Good choice :)

  13. OMG, so glad you posted this, I was just about to order the Buena Vista one! xxoo

  14. I ordered the pink and green one AND the pink elephant bracelet you posted and bought some new Lilly-which isn't really your fault but I'm lumping it in there. :)
    I ordered a white Lilly halter recently from a Lilly store down your way-they were super nice.

  15. OMG I had no idea about this!!! This post was probably detrimental to my wallet, but I am so happy you shared this with us all! I am in love with the pink and green print!

  16. OMG~ I wanted one of these bags & was so glad to see the discount. I immediately ordered the blue Buena Vista to match my Cali shift!



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