Lilly Pulitzer Rosenthal China Gift

TGIF, Shopaholic friends! Thanks so much for all your comments and suggestions yesterday. It's going to take a while for me to work my way through this "project" but it will be easier now. Thanks again. :-)

Today I wanted to share my newest Lilly Pulitzer "treasure" with you! Some of you already know, but I belong to a Lilly Pulitzer Secret Santa gift exchange on Facebook. The group started with a 2009 holiday gift exchange, and everyone enjoyed it so much we decided to celebrate each new season of the year with another gift swap. The Summer gift exchange was my third one, and it didn't disappoint!

I received a Lilly tankini and a Lilly/Lesportsac travel pouch from my partner, as well as the above Lilly Pulitzer Rosenthal china cup and saucer, produced exclusively for Gevalia. These Extraordinary Cup Sets were released in 2003 and were only available through Gevalia. They are highly collectible and very coveted among Lilly Pulitzer collectors - and absolutely impossible to find now. To my knowledge, they haven't been available since 2003.

A little blurb online about the Gevalia set (read the full article HERE):

An Extraordinary Cup

Built on a 150-year tradition of fine craftsmanship, Gevalia's upscale
collection of extraordinary coffees from around the world caters to the coffee
lover's individual style and taste. Each of Gevalia's exclusive Extraordinary
Cup settings affords this same personalization via its three stylish cup and
saucer sets, which are each unique in design theme and shape.

Just like her colorful designs, which are often noted as "country-club
chic" and high-society essentials, Lilly Pulitzer's "Jungle Road" cup boasts a
brightly-colored and whimsical animal scene with elephants, monkeys and
giraffes marching on parade through the jungle while playing musical
instruments. The cup's round shape features a sleek, classic craftsmanship
and its matching round handle strikes a pretty balance between elegance and
whimsy. Inspired by Gevalia Signature Blend, a 150-year anniversary roast,
Lilly's cup pairs a two-color design of a fresh grassy green and her own
signature, pink.

A very special "thank you from the bottom of my heart" to my summer swap partner, Laura in northern Alabama. How did you know I would ♥♥♥ this gift? 

Have you seen this china before? What do you think? Wouldn't it be fabulous if Lilly Pulitzer made a full set of china - or even everyday dishes! Folks at Lilly, are you listening???

Have a Fantastic Friday!


  1. Ooo, what a fantastic partner you had! That is just lovely, & I would be ecstatic if the folks at Lilly did a full line of china for all of us to collect & set the tables with!

    Thank you for your sweet comments on my guest post over at Pink Preppy Lilly Lover yesterday. I appreciated them. =)

    Have a great weekend!

  2. I actually own one tea cup and saucer and keep it hidden away in a very safe place! I adore it! You are so lucky to have one too!

  3. Great find! I would be afraid to use it.

  4. What a fabulous tea cup! I'm dying to get my hands on one!!

  5. I have the cup and saucer... my mom ordered it for me back in 2003. I wish I had gotten more then one, it's so adorable! I wish Lilly would come out with a whole line... that would be amazing.

  6. I would certainly buy a set of Lily china, a must have!!!


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