Very Worried

Happy Monday Shopaholics! Today I'm taking a little "break" from you ever get sick of yourself? I'm sick of myself and sick with worry.

I'm worried to death about my Mother, who has been sick for weeks. I took her for a CT scan last Thursday, and am taking her to yet another dr. appointment tomorrow. Mother has Crohn's disease, she was diagnosed many years ago. It has been in remission for quite some time, but appears to be back with a vengeance.

We should know more after tomorrow's appointment with a new gastroenterologist. Please say a little prayer - at this point, I'm hoping for no hospital stays or surgeries - but am worried one or the other may be in order. :-(

Sorry today's post isn't very just seems hypocritical to blog about something else today. Thanks for reading and have a Marvelous Monday!


  1. i'll keep you and your mom in my prayers! good luck!

  2. Lots and lots of thoughts and hugs headed your way!

  3. Oh no! While I've just started reading your posts, and will miss the blogging, being with your mother is what is most important right now. Best wishes for her!

  4. Hi Lori,
    I'm thinking about your mother. If she wants to see a GI in Pensacola I can refer you to a good friend of ours. Also, my cousin's husband is a GI in Mobile if you need another opinion.
    Hang in there!

  5. Sending prayers. I hope your mother is feeling better soon.

  6. Hang in there! Sending prayers your way.

  7. Praying for you and your Mom. My Dad has been in hospital or nursing home since January, so I know how scary it is. Hopefully, she won't need that! xoxo

  8. I will be thinking of your mom and you during this time. I will pray!

  9. Will definitely list her - and You! - in prayer... Be strong!

  10. Saying prayers and sending love your way!!!

  11. Prayers headed your way!

    P.S. I received my giveaway package this weekend, and love all of my little goodies. My keys are already on the Lilly keychain. And yes, South Park has always been my go-to place for Lilly. They seriously know me by name there, and actually when I was at the beach last week, I still managed to purchase some sale items (through email), that are still awaiting me to come pick them up. :)

  12. Saying prayers for your Mom (((((hugs)))))

  13. Hope all is ok, Lori! It is not easy to see your mother sick! Wendy

  14. Sending good thoughts to both you and your mother. Hope she has a superfast recovery!!!

  15. Send many prayers and putting you and your mom on my prayer list and group list. I am truly sorry to hear this. My heart goes out to you. Lost my mom in march. This just breaks my heart for you. When two or three are gathered to pray God hears us!!!!!!

  16. you'll be in my thoughts :( I hope everything goes well tomorrow!!!

  17. Thoughts and prayers for you and your mom. Hope you hear some good news and that she improves quickly! xoxo

  18. Hope ya'll have a good report with the Dr. today. Sending up prayers for you both.

  19. I'm so sorry you mama is ill! I see in a more recent post she's going in for more tests on Friday...(((hugs))) and prayers for your mama and YOU!


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