How I Acquired Jimmy Buffett Tickets - The Blog Reader Who Pulled Me Out Of My Depression!

Happy Saturday everyone! The weekend is finally here - and I plan to spend today resting up for ..... drum roll please ..... the Jimmy Buffett concert on Sunday! I am thrilled to report I have tickets in hand, and will be watching Jimmy perform live from the beach here in Gulf Shores, AL.

Several weeks ago, over a million people logged onto Ticketmaster in an attempt to score free tickets to the "Jimmy Buffett & Friends" concert, which was originally scheduled for July 1. The concert is Jimmy's gift back to this coast, where he grew up and lived a significant portion of his early years. His sister, Lucy Buffett, has a huge restaurant/bar "Lulu's" in Gulf Shores and he visits occasionally. The intent of the concert was to bring tourism back to the beach, which has suffered significantly in the wake of the oil spill. Enter Hurricane Alex, and the concert had to be rescheduled for July 11.

When the tickets went on "sale" - they were gone in less than 6 minutes! I was devastated - I could. not. believe. that Jimmy Buffett would be performing THREE MILES from where I live and I couldn't go to the concert. We had soooo many people working on finding tickets, I just "knew" we'd be able to get some. Ummmm.....not so fast, my friends. These tickets were selling for high $$$ on Craigslist, Ebay, StubHub, etc. All the listings were pulled since the tickets were obtained free - so there wasn't a place you could even buy one if you wanted to! And I was supposed to be "happy" I could watch it live on CMT - are you kidding me!?!? MAJOR depression was setting in. :-(

Get ready for the big surprise! Imagine my surprise to receive an email from a blog reader, Angie. She lives in Pensacola, and was one of the lucky ones who was able to get through on Ticketmaster and had four tickets. Angie said that she didn't think she would be able to attend the concert as her husband was recovering from back surgery. Angie gave me a nice compliment, that she loved reading my blog, and it had saved her so much $$ buying her Lilly on sale (LOVE THAT!), that she wanted to GIVE me her tickets to the Buffett concert. Honestly, at first I thought someone was playing a trick on me! haha!

But this was no trick. This was a TREAT. Big time! After exchanging a couple dozen emails in an extremely short period (ha), Angie and I met in Pensacola.  We had a wonderful time, chatting for almost 2 hours over frozen Bahama Mamas. Seriously, the least I could do was buy my new friend a drink, right!?!  If it wouldn't have been so late already, I would have insisted that we go shopping next door at Dillard's! :-)

So to sum it up:

1) I have a new BFF in Pensacola and her name is Angie. We met because of this blog.
2) I have tickets to Jimmy Buffett.
3) For now, all is right with the world.

Angie, thank you from the bottom of my heart. You gave me a gift that is *dare I say* better than a new pile of Lilly Pulitzer, and certainly much more difficult to acquire. I'm thrilled beyond belief, and can't wait to tell you all about it over our next round of Bahama Mamas!

Have a fantastic weekend!

p.s. What does one wear to a beach concert? We'll be there from 3pm - 10pm or so. It's going to be hot as you-know-what, think 94+ degrees with super high humidity. Don't tell me a bathing suit top and shorts. Soooo NOT going to happen. :-) I need suggestions!

p.p.s. For those who may wonder about the jewelry I'm wearing - Flora Chandelier Earrings from Caroline Grace Jewelry, Starfish Cocktail Ring from Kenneth Jay Lane, and Critter Cuff from Lilly Pulitzer. Dress is the Eliot shirtdress in Toile, by Lilly of course!


  1. Y'all look darling! Love the colorful, happy pic. Wear loose-fitting clothes - what about a white or Lilly print cotton tunic top with some really cute shorts and sandals? Wouldn't that be comfy in the heat. Have fun and please take pics!! xoxo

  2. Oh and jazz it up with cute, cute jewelry. I know you'll be the cutest on the beach! xoxo

  3. I'm SOOOOO happy that you will see Jimmy, I know how badly you wanted to go. Don't you just love how things all turn out. Just Wonderful!!!

  4. So, so happy for you! I know you are going to have a blast. I am also a Jimmy Buffet lover:) What to wear???? Shorts and a cute tee! Fins up girl!

  5. I'm going to the concert b/c of a blog reader too! Same Sweet Girl: Memoir of a Southern Belle sent me a ticket so I could go too. We should have a blog meet up!

  6. yeah!!!! I am so very happy for you! I was looking for you... I love reading your blog too. Isnt it funny how we connect through our blogs...
    Have a blast!!

  7. AWESOME!!! That's is such good news and so wonderful to have found a new friend :)

    Skorts or mini with a tank and flips?

  8. SO excited for you! How gracious of Angie and now you have a new sweet friend!
    I went to a few JB concerts waaay back when I was in college. He was a 'regular' at University of Florida back then ... my son saw him just a year or so ago though and of course loved the concert :)

    Have a wonderful time!

  9. That is so sweet, Lori! So happy for you. You could wear a white or light colored tunic or even a tunic dress. Surprisingly, long sleeved tunics sometimes keep me cooler because I don't feel the heat of the sun on my skin and am more protected. Have a beautiful day and a wonderful time! xoxo

  10. Oh, that's wonderful! I've been to some very hot outdoor festivals, and I'd suggest wearing clothes that are loose and flowy - and LOTS of sunblock. Hope you have a fantastic time at your concert!

  11. Have fun!
    I vote for a Lilly skort and polo shirt.

  12. What a great story! I am so happy you get to attend the concert! It is so wonderful to hear stories like this when there is so much negative happening. Angie, if you are reading this, I think you are very gracious and an amazing person to do this. Lori, please post photos from the concert! Cheers! xox

  13. PS~ That is a fabulous photo above, you are both beautiful! Cheers! xox sue

  14. Wow how awesome!
    Have fun Lori and y'all look great in the picture :)
    I am SURE you've got some appropriate Lilly to wear to see Jimmy!
    mmm bahama mama... yes please!

  15. So glad you have tickets! What a great new blog friend. We'll expect a detailed post next week. Have a blast!

  16. Glad everything worked out for you! I am jealous!!

  17. How cool is THAT??!!?!? What a great girl Angie is! I am so thrilled that you get to go, and I will be filling my Margaritaville Tervis Tumbler with margaritas and enjoying the CMT coverage. I'm so stinkin' excited about it, and I won't even be there! I can't imagine how excited you are!
    BTW- I am VOWING here and now to go to Lulu's ASAP. I have her cookbook, but I have to sample the real thing! The last time I was at Orange Beach, I was evacuated by Hurricane Katrina. Maybe I'll have better luck next time.


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