A Plea For Help...

Happy Thursday everyone! Hope you are doing great today! One day closer to the weekend...

While I'm not fond of begging - I need your help with two small matters relating to this blog. Any recommendations, advice and assistance will be welcomed with open arms! My email address is on the sidebar. :-)  

First, it's time to make things "pretty" around here. I would like a blog header/logo for Shopaholic In Alabama that speaks to the personality of the blog. I also need a "button" for the blog. Ideally this creation would be something that could translate down to business cards, stationery, etc. Maybe even some merchandising ideas that I have in my head for down the road...

Another part of making the blog "pretty" - things are getting mighty crowded on the right side of the blog. I need to convert to a 3-column format and spread it all out.  Yes, I know I can do this myself...I googled for instructions and am LOST. Seriously. It's my hope that I can find someone for the creative stuff above, that will also understand the 3-column Blogspot thing. Ambitious? Probably. But hopefully not!

Last but not least, please help me get to 500 followers! Having 500 followers is a milestone I had hoped to reach in early July, but am not quite there yet. If you read and don't "officially" follow, please click that little "follow" button. :-) If you enjoy this blog, tell your friends about it and ask them to join in the fun.

As always, thank you for reading Shopaholic In Alabama. There are great things coming soon!

Have a wonderful day and I can't wait to hear from you!


  1. I need the SAME help! I can't wait to hear what you learn!

  2. Penny Lane Designs does AWESOME blog makeovers! They are very high resolution and professional looking! Good luck! I would also widen up the posting area so you don't feel so crammed!

  3. Wish I could help, but I am clueless. Ran across this website just by accident...you could check it out!

  4. Hi Lori! I worked with Lauren @ Designer Blogs and she is fabulous. Can't wait to see what you end up with, I know it will be beautiful xoxo Hope you have a great weekend!

  5. You could always go with a blog designer or do it yourself, like I did. I can definately point you in the right direction, that way you get exactly what you want without paying beaucoup bucks! I'm going back to pink/gree though. Designing as we speak! Email if you want info. slpreppy@gmail.com
    Good luck!!

  6. I gave you an award on my blog today! Stop by and check it out when you get a chance. :)

  7. Hi girl!
    I just loved working with the blog fairy! www.theblogfairy.com She was a mind reader in terms of putting together just what I wanted but could never have described!!! Good luck with your search, and congrats on the impending milestone! How incredible!!!

  8. Sounds like your getting some great ideas as far as the comments above go. Good luck on the makeover, and can't wait to see what the "after" looks like! :)

  9. I know how to do a button as far as the html coding, but I'm terrible at graphic designing. When blogger launched the design capability to make 3 column blog option, I played for hours to try different options. Thankfully, I saved the code from previous versions because some of my attempts at blog makeover were pretty scary.


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