What's Your Tervis Personality?

Give me a Tervis Tumbler, and I'm one happy girl. When I find a Tervis that perfectly matches my personality, I'm even happier. 

I have quite the collection of Tervis Tumblers and use one every.single.day of my life. From that one cup of coffee first thing in the morning to my Diet Coke, water and Crystal Light throughout the day - they're all in a Tervis. Since I've recently discovered the matching lids available for purchase, now I'm confident using the Tervis when traveling in the car. With a lid and a straw, I'm not worried about hitting a bump and spilling (or wearing!) my drink.

Some of the favorite Tervis Tumblers in our collection include the following:

Lilly Pulitzer Tervis, Blue Seahorses. These were produced three or four years ago and are no longer available. They are treasured pieces of my collection - so treasured in fact, they are housed on the wet bar and not in the kitchen! 

Save The Gulf Tervis. My parents gave me this cup during the summer of the BP oil spill. I don't ever use it without thinking about the spill and what it meant - and continues to mean - to this area. 
Alabama Tervis, no explanation necessary. Affectionally known around here as "Gameday" cups, there is no telling what beverage you might find in one of these Tervis. The day might start with a mimosa or bloody mary, and end with a nice cold beer. When the weather is warm, a pina colada or miami vice is always a suspect! 
Shopaholic Tervis, this one comes with a great story. Last week, my friend Margaret over at 2Preppygirls emailed to ask me for my address and said she had a little something to send me that I "needed". A few days later, this Tervis arrived. How sweet of Margaret! I was honored that she thought about me, and I absolutely love my new cup! And isn't it "me"?!!?
Flips Flops and Crab Tervis, with matching lids. These are most commonly used in my car (again no desire to wear my drink!). I love the 24 oz. size and they are big enough to last for that hour plus drive to my parent's house! 
Santa Tervis. Surprisingly, I only have one "holiday-themed" Tervis, it was in my stocking a few years ago. How cool is Santa in his hammock between the palm trees? 
Lilly Pulitzer Tervis, more blue seahorses. These are the same as the ones in the first photo, but a larger size. 
More Lilly Pulitzer Tervis, in a pink hanging monkey design. I had two of these, but I can only find one of them. I suspect that one of my friends has made off with one of my Lilly tervis. If they confess their sin, and return it promptly, no one has to get hurt. I won't even call the police! HA! Like I said before, Lilly Pulitzer hasn't produced these cups in several years and all indications are they probably won't again. I will be devastated if one of the pink monkeys is "permanently lost". :-( 
I bet it was pretty easy to guess my Tervis Personality, right? All the basics are covered: Shopping, Lilly Pulitzer, Alabama, and anything Beach/Sea Animal related. 

If you're wondering where to find your special Tervis Tumbler, please consider my friends at 2Preppygirls. They have a wonderful selection online. You can use my sidebar (left hand side of the blog at the top) or access their website HERE. While shopping the site, you can view all the lovely monogrammed and preppy gifts available. 

Additionally, Tervis is carried in most Bed Bath & Beyond store locations. That's another great resource, especially if you're out and about doing your holiday shopping!

Now you know my Tervis Personality - what is yours?


  1. I'm a tervis addict, but I have UK Cats ones instead of Roll Tide! :-)

  2. What a cute post! Tervis tumblers aren't big in Philly, so I've never had one, but I might have to get a Cowboys tumbler if they have them, or the shopaholic one is a good option as well :)

  3. I love Tervis tumblers! The Lilly ones are so gorgeous and it's so nice that you can have such a fun and rare piece of Lilly history. I only recently got my first Tervis tumbler (a Snoopy one from Hallmark- a gift from a sweet sorority sister who knows me all too well). I'm really hoping to get a monogrammed one for Hannukah.

  4. Tervis Tumblers are the best! I love blue seahorses from Lilly.

    We have ones for the Eagles and Phillies. I also have a Pink Ribbon one for breast cancer awareness. I need to get some more girly ones.

  5. I have the exact crab trevis with the navy lid! I literally use it EVERYDAY to bring my tea to class. My mom borrowed it once and ended up loving it so I actually got her the same one as well!! I really like the Lilly one, the size is a good size as well because sometimes I feel as if mine is pretty large!

  6. I believe that tervis tumblers change your life. Super jealous of the Lilly ones!

  7. Love my Tervis! I gave my Nantucket friends one with the South Carolina flag. Just perfect!


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