Perfect Holiday Gifts Under $100

Happy Monday, Shopaholics! I'm betting that many of you had snow, ice and crazy weather over the weekend. Hope it wasn't too bad! Even here at the beach, we are experiencing mid 20's at night. Brrrr....But hey - doesn't the cold weather put you in the holiday spirit? :-)

Today I wanted to profile a few of my favorite holiday gifts under $100. Let's see if you like my selections...

Flora Earrings, in any color, $44 - from Caroline Grace Jewelry on Etsy (link HERE). No matter what color is your gift recipient's favorite, you are covered. For winter, I really love them in teal. Of course I love all of Caroline Grace's jewelry - and you can't go wrong with these! A perfect stocking stuffer! Added bonus: CGJ is offering a 15% discount on orders less than $100 to all Shopaholic readers and a 25% discount on orders over $100. Use code "Shopaholic15" for 15% under $100 and code "Shopaholic25" for 25% over $100 at Etsy checkout.

Fleece Pullover, in any color, $98.50 - from Coast Apparel (link HERE). These come in Buoy Red (my favorite), Navy and Weathered Sail. The half zip makes this piece very versatile and wow is it warm! I absolutely LOVE the Coast logo - it's a crab. So preppy and perfect for life on the coast - even if the coast is far from home but "in your heart" - you can dress the part with this brand. The fleece pullover is perfect for the cold weather most of us are experiencing. Trust me - any man in your life will LOVE and appreciate this fleece pullover. It's a perfect holiday gift!  Just don't be surprised if you want to "borrow" it from him! :-)

Glass Christmas Ornament by Lilly Pulitzer, available in three prints, $48 - from Under The Palm Tree (link HERE). The ornaments come in the following prints: Pink Great Escape, Green Leibold, and Sea Blue Pirates. My personal favorite is Great Escape (pictured below). As my long-time readers already know, UTPT is one of my favorite Lilly Pulitzer Via Shoppes. Right now they are also offering FREE Shipping so you might want to look around to see if you "need" anything else! :-)

The Cocktail Party set by Philosophy, $30 - available at Sephora (link HERE). This trio of body cleansers/shower gels smell just like the real thing - so don't take a sip! I'm a big fan of Philosophy products and use their "Hope in a jar" at least twice daily. The shower gels are a staple gift item - I give them all the time! Perfect for any occasion - and also available in holiday scents like Candy Cane, Peppermint Bark, etc.

Hopefully I have given you a few suggestions to help finish that last minute holiday shopping! This Shopaholic confesses - I'm not done yet either! My new goal is being 100% complete by the end of this week - wish me luck!

Do you like these ideas? Have a Marvelous Monday and stay warm! 


  1. Thanks for sharing girl...
    and what's up with this weather??

    I thought of you yesterday....we went shopping in Destin;)
    It was so FLIPPIN COLD I thought I was going to D I E. D I E.

    Hope your week is FAB-xo

  2. Thanks for sharing! I love Caroline Grace's jewelry and will be placing some last minute Christmas orders as gifts (and maaaybe a little something for myself)!

    Your blog is great!

  3. Love your ideas - and I am freezing!!!! so I wish I had that fleece! Stay warm!

  4. I love the philosophy gifts! Nordstrom did a few specials for their anniversary sale this year - for only 9 dollars for a full size bottle. I stocked up for gifts - everyone loves getting beauty products (and if they don't I'm not friends with them....)

  5. Great suggestions! I love those Flora earrings--I may have to get a pair!


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