Top News Stories of 2010...

Happy New Years Eve, Shopaholics! Unfortunately I am still sick, but trying to get through it! Here's hoping I start 2011 with a clean bill of health and no sinus infection.

As we get ready to welcome 2011, today I would like to reflect on some of the top news stories of 2010. Keep in mind - this is just my list - despite a few awful things that happened, there was some good. I enjoyed putting the list together, because it reminded me of several things that were very positive and happy! 

*Alabama Won The BCS National Championship. Our first one since 1992, which seemed like an eternity ago.
*More Than 230,000 people were killed in the Haiti earthquake. Over 300,000 people were injured.
*Apple unveiled the iPad. Sadly, I don't have one yet.
*New Orleans Saints won the Super Bowl. Their first ever. This lifted the spirits of the city more than anyone could imagine. My "second home" had a reason to celebrate. 
*Sandra Bullock's world was rocked by her cheating husband, Jesse James. They have yet to reconcile. I want her as one of my BFF's. Love her.
*For better or for worse, new health care legislation was signed into law.
*BP Oil well exploded in the Gulf of Mexico. 11 workers were killed, and our lives were turned upside down. The effects are still being felt on our environment, economy and lifestyles.
*There was an attempted bombing in Times Square. Thankfully, it was unsuccessful.
*LOST and 24 both ended. TV will never be the same.
*Lindsay Lohan was arrested, went back to jail, checked into rehab, assaulted someone else. Still boozing and such it would seem. Will she ever learn? Where is the girl I loved in "The Parent Trap"?
*Bed bugs were the talk of the town. Retail stores were closed as a result. Is it safe to sleep anywhere but home?
*Official combat operations were ended in Iraq.
*Hurricane Earl was a scare, but barely touched the US east coast.
*Brett Favre......I'm not even sure where to start. We saw more of his "alleged" private parts than we wanted, heard more of his voice mails than we wanted, and were disappointed in his conduct. The NFL apparently agreed, he was fined $50K. Now he needs to really retire, go back to Mississippi and disappear.
*Chilean miners were rescued. Their stories are amazing. 70 days...could you make it? I'm not sure I would have.
*Prince William and Kate were engaged. Somewhere, Diana is smiling.
*America continued to either love or hate the Palin clan. Including Bristol, who was on DWTS.
*Elizabeth Edwards passed away, after a long and hard fought battle with cancer. Her strength and grace in the face of public adversity and humiliation gave us all an example to live by.

There are so many other news stories that deserve a mention, but I had to stop somewhere! :-)

Around here - there is no dispute that the BP Oil Spill was the news story of the year. We are still feeling the effects of the spill - from an emotional, economic and environmental standpoint.

What would you nominate as the #1 News Story of 2010? Let me hear from you!

p.s. If you're out having fun tonight, stay safe. Don't drink and drive - or have a designated driver. DH and I don't go out on NYE, because we don't trust the other people on the road. We will be snuggled in our beds, watching the ball drop from Times Square on a Samsung. I highly recommend it. :-)


  1. Happy New Year to you! I think I'll be snuggled at home too :)

  2. I pray that 2011 brings you many blessings!! Happy New Year, Friend! Much Love, Daphne

  3. Great list... What a year 2010 was!

    Happy NewYear!

  4. I'm a new follower. Love your list. Roll Tide! and Happy New Year! I have a 3-year-old. We don't go out anymore either! Ha!


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