Shopaholic Confessions.......Breaking My Own Rules!!!

TGIF, Fashionistas! Are you all looking forward to the weekend? I have lots of fun planned, a dear BFF's 40th birthday celebration on Saturday and *hopefully* a few hours of much needed sunshine and vitamin D at the beach on Sunday! :-)

This is extremely difficult for me to admit in a public format. Last night I broke my own rule. For those who know me best.....Can you guess???

I finally watched "Real Housewives". BUT - when Shopaholic falls off the wagon, it's never in a small way. It's always big. Not only did I watch the premiere episode of the NY housewives, I watched the finale episode of the OC housewives.

DH would KILL me for telling it - but he also watched all of OC and part of NY. Whether he'll do it again or not, I have no idea. I suspect he liked it though. :-)

WOW. Obviously I have a lot to catch up on and learn about these train wrecks. Talk to me - what do I need to know about the NY women? Which ones are YOUR favs - or do you even watch? Can't wait to hear from you!


  1. I watch them both!! OC was good last night, my husband likes it too :-) He wouldn't admit it though. I recorded NYC, only got through the first 15 mins last night. They are all over the top and definitely scripted, no one coudl bicker that much. The only one I don't watch is Atlanta (where I'm from!) they are horrible!

  2. I've never seen those shows but I can imagine they are like train wrecks! How fun that your husband watched with you.
    I'm a new follower from Friday Follow. Nice to meet you.

  3. Stopped by from Friday Follow - so glad I found you! Now following so I don't miss anything!

  4. I will admit that the only season I saw was New Jersey and I loved every second of it!!!

    Also, I saw you'll be at the St. Patty's Day parade next weekend! You're a lucky girl!!! Have fun and catch a cabbage or two for me!

  5. I don't think I have missed a single episode of any season!

  6. I used to watch new york but it gets to be to much bickering for me. so i stopped plus the hubby wont watch it. lol but anyways im following you from Friday follow.

  7. Found you through Friday Follow and am so glad I did! Always love to follow the musings of a fellow shopaholic!

  8. The NY series is soo entertaining and I heard will be very dramatic this season, although :::eye roll::: these shows are always dramatic! :) Bethenny is my fave on NY - I love her diet books and the "skinny girl margarita" she invented!

    I used to make my bf watch the NJ season with me and he would without fail fall asleep through the entire episode!

  9. You won't regret it. Every season is hilarious and more outrageous than the last. It is a bit addicting though!

  10. OMG, I watch all RHO's they are SO funny. I can't believe these ladies are really the way they are portrayed on TV. You will LOVE this new guilty pleasure, as will DH! Have a great weekend! XOXO

  11. I agree! I love the Real Housewives - OC is my favorite, but NY and NJ follow pretty closely.
    And the best, my hubbie who TOTALLY made fun of me for watching is now just as hooked. Last night he came in about 10 minutes late and made me "rewind" the DVR so he could catch up.
    It's a great way to observe ladies who love to shop, eat and create drama!

  12. So excited that you've finally been corrupted! ;) AND I can't wait for NJ and ATL to start, because those too are the most insane by far. I can't wait to help you catch up on the characters... and I do mean characters! OC is my fave, followed by NJ, then ATL then NY.

  13. my reality show weakness!!! Esp the NY girls!!!

  14. Hello from a VERY LATE friday follower!

    Following you from...


    Hope you'll stop in!

  15. Hey just stopping by to say Hi from Friday Follow!

    Happy Follow Friday!


  16. Hi there! :)
    I found you on "Friday Follow" and am now following you through Google Friend Connect. I look forward to further exploring your blog. Come on over and visit us when you get a chance. <3

  17. Hey there! I'm a new follower from Friday Follow! I hope you'll follow my blog too! :)


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